Ichinose bursted out laughing. I turned to look at him, and found him crying of laughter on the bench. "W-what's so damn funny?" I asked irritatedly, clearly nog getting the joke.

Ichinose wiped a teary eye and smiled at me. "I'm pretty sure everyone won't be worried about me. Father is always busy, so he probably won't notice. Ren won't bother as much now, but much later in the night he would worry. The only one who'd worry and note my absence is my mother."

"Not even Lance?" I asked him.

He gave a sad smile. "Well, Lance and his mother have their own problems as well. Joselyn is using all her power to get them to drop out of Lance becoming heir, or to leave and go back to Germany. They're not going to be worried about me as much at all."

Ah...so that's it...


"What is it Ichinose?" I asked.

He got up from the bench once more and strided towards me. He stood beside me and asked, "Would you like to go out and have dinner with me?"


"What's this all of a sudden!? I-I mean...you can't just expect me to agree and go out with you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, so that's it? Well, I guess I should ask another time when it's more convenient. There's next time right?" He said with a smile.

The same fake smile that Lance used earlier.

"Stop that," I told him.

"Stop? Stop what?" He asked in confusement.

"Don't smile like that. You wanted me to come didn't you? I turned you down, yet you're smiling!"

"Ah...well that's..."

I let out a big sigh. "Well, I am hungry from not eating lunch today. I stayed at the beach for the longest of times, so it's no wonder I'd feel this way." I smiled widely at Ichinose. "I hope you're prepared to spend your allowance worth just to feed me alone. I won't take it easy on you since you offered."

Ichinose was speechless. He blinked a few times at me, and opened his mouth to speak. Soon after, he closed it and smiled genuinely at me. "Let's go home first to change, and to at least tell my mother where I'm going."

Ichinose led the way back home as I walked beside him.

At The Palace

"We're home!" Ichinose screamed out as he held the door for me.

We only walked a few feet into the palace before we saw Ichinose's mother at the top of the stairs. She wore a pale blue dress that stopped just abover her knees. She wore a black belt around her waist with white rose in her dark blue hair. She came down the stairs and stood in front of us.

Now that I think about it...Ichinose's mother is of a petite height, and she looks so young! If it wasn't for the bit of resemblance, they could easily be mistaken as a couple.

"Ichinose," she said.

"Mother," he answered back.

She looked at me for a bit, and then went back to look at Ichinose. She gave a big smile, and covered it with her hands. She gave out a slight sniffle, and turned away from us to not see her get teary. Ichinose walked up to his mother.

Ichinose's mother hugged her son tightly, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. In the process of doing so, she smeared her mascara.

Ichinose's P.O.V

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