Chapter 8

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A strong breeze rushed by me as most of the dragons took to the sky's. I could only imagine the look on the Constable's face when he sees a bunch of dragons on the city's doorsteps. I giggled slightly at the thought of it, and looked up in awe as dragon scales of every color and shade rose high into the sky. I started walking past the city boundary line when claws gently wrapped around my middle.

"Are you coming, my princess?" asked Caladine, his muzzle showed his sharp teeth even though it was shut.

"Eh? I was," I replied meeting his bright eyes.

"Not fast enough. We'll get there faster in this form. Plus, I think that it will have more of an impact if we all show up in dragon form," he replied. A low throaty chuckle escaped his muzzle.

He lifted me up high in the air.

"Tryl, hurry up," I yelled at the small dragon. I watched as the small beast furiously beat his wings, zipping out of a nearby house. "Do I even want to know what you were doing?"

"I was just napping," he sighed.

"You should try to keep up, tiny one. We have a mile to make. I want us to be in Dains by midday," Caladine replied, his golden eyes studying the tiny burgundy dragon. "You're free to sit and catch a ride you know."

"I'm fine. I may be small, but I can still keep up with you," Tryl snorted, raising his muzzle in the air and almost flew into a tree.

"Watch were you're flying, Tryl," I replied with a giggle. I could hear a few faint chuckles of the other dragons around us.

We rose higher in the air, brushing above the tree tops. The sun was blinding us with its rays, but we kept climbing higher. Eventually thin wispy clouds started to breeze by us. I reached out my hand and ran it through one of the passing clouds.

A few hours later, the border line for my home started to appear in the distance.

"We're almost there," Caladine stated to the others.

I could almost feel them become restless. We drifted closer and closer, I started to see the point of the monastery. It shined brightly in the sunlight, almost like a beacon. The citizens started to scream and run in terror as we flew over the buildings. A large wind blew in our wake, knocking over tents and even some unlucky citizens.

"What in the Heaven's name is going on here?!" yelled a large heavy man. The citizens pushed by him, screaming in droves. He would have gotten knocked over from the stampeding people if he wasn't so heavy.

Caladine flew over him, his sharp scales a hairs breath away from the man's balding head.

"Set me down, Caladine," I called up to him.

Grumbling under his breath, he set me down gently on the ground. I wobbled for a bit until I got used to walking on solid ground once again.

"Constable!" I shouted out to the bewildered man. He looked up at me and I could see the fury that passed over his face. His face grew red with anger as he marched over to me.

"You! What do you think you are doing?!" He yelled, his fists clenched and turning purple. "Do you realize what you have done? I always knew that you would be trouble. I should have taken care of you then." He bounded towards me, the fat jiggling on his stomach.

I'm surprised he can even move that fast, I thought to myself. "I know very well what I have done. They are only taking back what is rightfully theirs."

"What was theirs? You, ungrateful brat, they are beasts, they own nothing. They belong to me! All they are good for is raking in the money. That's the life of a beast," he thundered.

"They are living beings too. They have families and friends. How dare you say that about them!" I growled out. I trembled in anger but resisted acting on it.

He reached out a hand to try to grab me, but was thrown back with a gust of wind. The Constable landed flat on his back, the dust flying over him.

"Watch your tongue, you filthy human," said a deep voice. Caladine stood over him, his razor sharp teeth glistening white. Steam rose from his snout and he growled down at the man. The constable looked up in pure terror, he desperately tried to pick himself off of the ground. Each time as a failed attempt as Caladine kept knocking the Constables feet out from underneath him. 

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