Chapter 7

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I looked over the cheering crowd. All the citizens of Zielf were excited to take out the humans and reclaim their former glory. However, I didn't like the thought of revenging the country of my birth and leaving the humans homeless. Well there was one human I could have cared less about, but still. Putting my nerves aside, I stepped up next to Caladine, and spoke firmly.

"Just as long as no humans get harmed," I stated.

The crowd went silent and I could tell that I had said something that I shouldn't have.

"Why not? Just because you are the princes' bride and a human doesn't mean that you can still your human nose into places where it doesn't belong," an old woman sneered, stepping right in front of me.

I shrunk back a bit from the forcefulness of the aggravated dragons. Caladine stood closer to me, adding his silent support.

Caladine cleared his voice and then spoke; "Alright then, we will leave the citizens of your country. However, that Constable is fair game. He has done nothing good for your humans and he deserves the same treatment that his family gave ours. Is that alright with you?" He asked looking down to me.

I silently nodded my head.

"Alright then. All in favor raise your claws," he said lowly to the crowd.

The wave of hands; err... I mean claws; that rose into the air was astounding. It seemed that as Caladine spoke, more and more citizen crowded around us. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I could see his tall, regal form and he spoke confidently to the crowd. And the crowd who leaned on every word that was spoken.

He is for certain a prince. How am I going to become like that? I would like everyone to look and listen to me as they do for him. But I know that that may never happen, because I am only human. I thought sadly to myself, looking down. But I will have to do my best. I resolved myself and decided to look towards a brighter path.

"Then everyone go and get ready, we fly at dawn," Caladine announced, throwing his fist up in the air.

Cheers broke out quickly followed by the sound of feet shuffling across the cobblestone ground as the crowd drifted apart. The early night quickly quieted down, as the adults ushered the children into bed, and shut the doors. It was just me and Caladine standing out on the edge of the city. The sun had set a few hours ago and now the moon sat high in the darkened night sky. A few stray stars twinkled here and there and the only sound to separate the night was the stray sound of the crickets chirping. Tryl had left long ago, I assumed he went to find a place to sleep. Sighing, I decided to do the same. I started walking back towards the buildings when someone grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Are you turning in for the night?" Caladine asked, lightly holding my arm.

"Yeah. I have to find Tryl too," I responded.

"Come with me. You can stay with me in the castle," he replied, pulling me towards the town center. We walked by the fountain, its waters glistened silver in the moonlight. It softly trickled, easing any worries that I had and added a peacefulness to the surroundings.

"Wait, are you kidding me? I can't stay with you, we're not even married!" I exclaimed in protest.

"You are my bride, so what's the difference?" he asked laughing as he ran and dragged me behind him as he rushed to the castle. "Besides, I was going to give you a room that is kept for special guests," he chuckled.

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly through the trees and the birds chirped cheerfully from above. However, the nervous and solemn atmosphere from the dragons was stifling. Today we were heading back to Dains to reclaim the dragons' original homeland. Tryl sat up on my shoulder, watching everyone scurry back and forth. Caladine came up behind me to wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. We won't harm any good humans," he said softly.

I looked over at him to see a soft smile and his warm golden eyes. I watched him walk away from me, through the growing crowd, to the front where he stood tall and regal.

"Citizens of Zielf, it is finally the day that we take back our birth right. After years in solitude from the humans, this very morning, we march to Dains," he shouted, his voice settling down the chattering of the dragons.

Cheers rang out as the dragons threw their hands up in the air.

"Long live the Prince! Long live the Prince!" they chanted as they started to form a line and started to push out of the forest.

The city sign glowed warmly in the rising sun. But I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. 

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