Chapter 9

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"Give up now, fat human. You are the one who doesn't belong here. You have ruined these people's lives enough. Now it is time You leave," Caladine stated, smirking.

The constable glared at the dragon before scrambling backwards to avoid the sharp claws that almost come down upon him. He scrambled backwards in a crab position before getting to his feet and running the other way.

"You will regret this! Mark my words, Tamika. You will pay for this!" the Constable yelled over his shoulder.

"Humans of Dains! We mean you no harm! The current leader of your country is gone, you are all free!" Caladine announced to the terrorizes citizens.

The people started to poke their heads out of their homes. Whispering to one another, they slowly came out onto the streets. Many were unsure of the dragons that were perched on their roofs, but once they seen that they were not going to do anything, they slowly walked out.

"Tamika? Tamika is that you? Where have you been, my child?" asked a frantic voice.

Looking towards the voice, I could see the grey hair and the black robes of the monastery leader. Father rushed towards me with open arms. He grabbed me and nearly crushed me in a hug.

"I was so worried about you. I didn't know what to think when the Constable tried to arrest you," he said into my hair. "You always was a rebellious child, but I think that this takes the cake. Never worry me again, promise?"

"I'll try, but I make no guarantees," I replied with a giggle. He smacked me lightly on my head.

"And who is this?" Father asked me, motioning behind me.

I looked behind me to see Caladine in his human form walking towards us.

"This is Caladine, a dragon I rescued," I replied motioning to Caladine who now stands next to me.

"He doesn't look like a dragon to me," he replied.

"Trust me I am. My name is Caladine Tryner, First Prince of the Country of Zeilf. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir," Caladine replied, bowing his head to the Father.

"Now, now. You don't need to bow to me, Your Highness," Father replied, brushing his hand through his hair embarrassed.

"For what I am about to ask, I should," Caladine replied with his head still bowed. "As Tamika's father, will you do me the honor of taking your daughters hand in marriage?"

Fathers jaw dropped upon hearing those words. He stuttered a lot before answering. "As long as I am the one to do the honor, Your Highness."

"It would please me greatly," Caladine stated, raising his head.

A Few Weeks Later:

The whole city was bustling with excitement. White streamers were being hung around the town center and giant flower arraignments were being set up around the monastery.
The dragons helped the humans as they decorated the streets and set up food vendors. The smaller dragons flew around with tiny bouquets and banners and hung them in the trees. A brilliant violet was being rolled out in front of the monastery steps. It was a beautiful morning and only enforced the atmosphere.

I stood in front of a full length mirror with a few of the younger girls from the monastery. The long white dress fanned out behind me, and the glitter of the pearls sparkled in the morning rays.

"I can't believe you are getting married today, Tamika," said one of the girls who was pinning flowers into my hair.

"Me either," I replied softly.

There was a knock on the door.

"It is time, Tamika. Are you ready?" called in a voice.

"Yes, just a minute," I called back, gathering the train of my dress. The girls finished putting flowers in my hair and scattered behind me to help me.

The door opened and we walked out. The hall way was decorated in white and silver. A dark blue rug ran the whole length to the ceremony hall. We walked down the hallway to the huge wooden doors that marked the ceremony hall. Taking a deep breath, I waited there while the girls snuck inside. I took another deep breath, trying to calm my beating heart and I heard music start up and horns blew. That was my signal. Taking one last breath, I opened my eyes and gripped my dress, and started through the opening doors.

The hall was packed with the citizens of Dains and the citizens of Zeilf alike. They all stood and looked towards me, their smiling faces were blurs as I walked up the isle towards the front where Father and Caladine waited. Caladine was all decked out in black with a small silver rose pinned on his jacket. Father was dressed in his ceremony robes and he held a thick book in his hands. He smiled gently at me as I took Caladine's hand and stood in front of him.

"Let is begin," Father stated, opening the book.

Minutes turned into an hour, all that time blurred past me.

"I now present Tamika Roulind and Caladine Tryner husband and wife. The King and Queen of the Countries of Dains and Zeilf," Father announced, startling me out of my daze.

Cheers rose through the hall and the people stood and clapped. Caladine and I turned towards the crowd and smiled and waved. Caladine smiled down at me and I grinned back.

"I am so glad that you rescued me. I am even happier that you became my wife," he said as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

The crowd erupted in even louder cheers once more.

"Me too," I responded, smiling back at him.

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