Chapter 13: The Forbidden Question?!

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"Konan.. Stop this foolishness." he said blankly, and walked over to us, pulled Konan off of me and hugged her, petting her head, talking to her. All I heard was her sniffling, and saying, "I don't want anything to...." and that's all I heard. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my clothes and slammed the bathroom door shut. '..Is that jealously I sense?..' the voice in my head said. I rolled my eyes. 'Oh, please. She's the only female member, which means she's probably gotten into relationships with everyone. She's just a hater.. Besides, I don't care about Itachi..' '.. Keep saying that..' the voice giggled again as I tied my kimono and my bow, then brushing my teeth and brushing my soft hair. '..Eeh, Shut up. What do you know..' I said back.

I snickered and muttered under my breath, "It's funny. I talk to myself in my head. I must be losing it. Considering I got no sleep whatsoever.." I groaned and washed my face, dried it off, and opened the door up. I growled when I saw Itachi was no where to be found. "Meh. Who needs him..?" I said while scrounging around for my wooden 'Samurai' shoes. I gave up, went downstairs and grabbed the first thing I could find and divoured it.

Something poked me, and I turned to see, none other than idiot Tobi. "I-Is The pretty lady awake now..?" he stuttered. I gave him a death glare, and he shivered, and threw something in my hand. "Here! It's from Senpai!!" He said while, then screaming and running off again. I blinked and looked at it. It was, indeed, Deidara's work, just a clay bird. A smile tugged on my lips. 'Deidara and Sasori.. Heh.. I could get to know them the best. If only I was put on their team, that'd be great..' I thought. My thoughts were, then interupted by Deidara's and Tobi's screaming. "TOBI!!!" Then I realized this was Deidara's exploding clay. I screamed as Deidara yelled, "Katsu!", the little bird, then blowing up in my face. Tobi ran to where I was, and stood besides me. "Uh-Oh.. Deidara Senpai, you did it now!~" Tobi cooed. Deidara rushed in, frowning, then changing to embarassed, and worried. "Uhh!! K-Kuro!! Ahhaa!! I was, Umm.." He scratched the back of his neck, trying to think of something.

"Tick-Tock." I said, my voice deadly sounding. Deidara backed up, shocked. "I-I thought Tobi was holding it, so I just blew It up, but you were holding it , and I didn't know and..." he stopped when I stood infront of him, pretending to be mad at him. "I'm going...." Deidara shut his eyes, and covered his face with his arms. "...TO KILL YOU, TOBI!!!" I saw him grin, and for the rest of the morning, and afternoon, and a little bit of the evening, was spent trying to hunt down, and kill Tobi.

It was fun, right now me and Deidara were about ready to sneak into Sasori's room to see if he would help us. I quietly opened up his door, and we both snuck in, and I grinned, putting my finger to my lips. Deidara nodded, and I shut my eyes, re-opening them, now white. I narrowed my eyes, and decided on a new move. I controlled my energy around me, making it completly invisable. I chuckled when Deidara looked around quickly. "Kuro! Psst! Kuro! Where'd you go?" he whispered, not wanting to blow our cover. "Sh.., Idiot, I'm still here, I'm invisable. Now be quiet." I whispered back, and headed out into the open, into a diffrent room, where Sasori was sitting at his desk, surrounded by puppets, and puppet parts.

I smirked, and leaned over him, watching him work on an arm of his puppet, putting on the fingers of it's hand. He suddenly moved his chair back, and It bumped into me, He felt me and stood up, looking around the room. "Who are you.." It was weird, because he was looking right through me. He went around the corner, and saw Deidara. "Brat!! You're trying to scare me?!" I saw he dragged Deidara by the hair and shoved him into the wall. "Don't disturb me, while I'm working, Deidara.." he growled in Deidara's ear.

I took notice of Deidara's face. He was blushing, and frowning, struggling. My eyes doubled over. 'Is he..?' "Kurooo!!" Deidara yelled. Sasori stared at him. "What do you want, Brat." he said blankly, yawning and sitting on his chair again, working on his puppets. "Well.. we were wondering if you wanted to help us kill Tobi! Hmm." Deidara said, smiling goofily. I smiled and held back a laugh at how funny his face was. Sasori groaned. "Who is 'we'? and as much as I'd love to kill Tobi, I'm not going to piss Leader off." Deidara grinned. "Me and Kuro! Hm!" Sasori paused and thought for a while.

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