Chapter 13 ♡ One of these days

Start from the beginning

Another text popped up:

P.s.: one of these days...

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I looked up at him, frowning, but just as I was about to send a text, the end of dinner was announced. Everyone in the room got up, and before I knew it he was lost in the crowd that was heading to the other room, where everyone had to gather around a big projection screen.

* * *

We spent the first part of the premiere live tweeting while everyone else was discussing the episode. We got a lot of positive reactions from the people in the room, but on social media the fans were screaming fans with excitement. 

As we got nearer to the end of the episode, most of them had died from all the feels. 

The room erupted in loud cheers and applause when the episode was over. Adam and Eddy and some other members of the writing staff came forward and thanked everyone for the support. After their speech we all emerged in the other room to get a drink.

Lana grabbed my arm as soon as Colin was off talking to his dad. 

"So, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" I sounded a little too innocent, and I couldn't keep a straight face when she raised her eyebrows.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I don't know what's going on," I said, looking over her shoulder to watch Colin introduce his dad to Josh and Ginny. I turned back to Lana and lowered my voice. "Is it that obvious?"

"Please, you're acting like puppies. Both of you."

I grinned. "Look, I'm going to say hi to Colin's dad. Want to come?"

"You go ahead, I'm going to find Fred and the boys." She squeezed my arm and turned around. Fred was already coming up to her, and once they'd linked arms and were striding off, I went to Colin and his dad.

"Mr. O'Donoghue, how nice to see you!" I said cheerfully.

"Jennifer! Please, you can call me Con." He smiled and gave me a quick hug. "So how have you been?"

"Great, really great." I smiled at Colin to involve him in the conversation. "It's been a busy few weeks, but that's how we like it, don't we?"

"Absolutely," Colin said, scratching behind his ear.

We stood there talking for about ten minutes, and after I'd snapped a picture of the two of them, I headed to the bathroom. I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I was in the stall, hesitantly spinning it around in my hands.

Should I...?

Oh, screw this, I thought and I started typing.

You still owe me the rest of that sentence.

I squeezed my phone after I'd sent the text, part of me excited like a five-year-old. The other part doubted whether this was such a good idea, but I tried to ignore it.

I still hadn't got a text back when I was washing my hands, but that was probably because he wasn't worrying about his phone right now. I headed back to the party room, where I came to a sudden stop.

I spotted Colin pretty easily, but there was now a pretty, blonde woman in his presence that I'd never seen before.

I shook my head to organize my thoughts. What the hell was I thinking? 

Of course he had family other than his dad, and it wasn't so peculiar for them to attend the premiere.

"Hey, we've been looking for you," a voice said in my ear when I was about to head over to Colin.

I turned around to see Josh and Ginny, who were smiling. "It's pretty busy, right?" I said.

Josh nodded, taking a sip of his drink and passing it on to Ginny. She just stared at him wide-eyed. "Oh, right," he said, chuckling and pulling the drink back.

I looked suspiciously from Josh to Ginny, but my attention was drawn back to the woman. "Do you guys know her?" I asked, pointing her out.

Ginny rose to her tiptoes. "That blonde woman with Colin?"


'No idea', she said, but Josh nodded.

"I just met her. I think they went to high school together... or something. I don't remember her name..."

My gaze went back to the woman, who just put an arm around Colin's shoulder. She said something to his dad, causing the three of them to burst out laughing.

I felt my excitement shrink to the size of a pea.

"Why d'you ask?" Josh asked innocently.

"Well— I don't know." I sounded a bit too defensive, but then I forgot about everything and watched in horror as she leaned into him.

He leaned into her.

And they kissed.

I gasped, but neither Josh nor Ginny had noticed; Josh just got a huge, I've-just-remembered smile on his face. 

"I think her name was Helen. Yes— yes, I'm pretty sure."

Dun, dun, DUUUN! Who saw that coming? 😏 I originally wanted to post this chapter right after the premiere of season six, but Monday was my first day of uni, so I've been pretty busy stressing out about that 😂. Leave your thoughts, I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! ♡

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