Move Out!

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He was alone, meditating silently in the fields of time. The frost demon, Glaciem, floated carelessly as he focused his Ki. His tail swayed Lazily as his power intensified. Trunks watched the black and white member of Frieza's family from the entrance to the fields. The purple haired teen slowly approached, the intense power of his Patrol partner seemingly weighing him down.

"Hey, Glaciem" he said. The horned male opened his eyes and dropped to the ground, turning to face Trunks, looming over him by a half foot. He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. He was in his first form, wearing nothing but a pair of Elite Patroller trousers.

"Yes?" He asked, one of his curved horns shimmering in the sun.

"Don't you think that might be overdoing it a little?" Asked the half human.

"That's a matter of perspective, but I suppose you may be right" replied the Frost Demon, turning his head to look off in the distance. "Why do you think SKOT, called for us?"

"I beg your pardon?" Trunks asked, confused.

"The Supreme Kai of Time, come on, you don't expect me to say that mouthful just to refer to one person, albeit the guardian of time" Glaciem replied, unaware of the short being slowly approaching.

"You're right about it being a mouthful, but we can discuss that another time" the Supreme Kai said from behind the Patroller. Both of them turned to the short Kai. Trunks crossed his arms and Glaciem put a hand on his hip.

"What seems to be the problem?" Glaciem asked.

"Three separate eras in history have been changed simultaneously" the pink girl said. "I need you to mobilize immediately!"

"How unstable is the timeline?" Trunks asked.

"The first two aren't much of a problem just yet, but the third must be dealt with immediately" she replied. The two Patrollers looked at each other.

"I'll go to that one, you go get the others" Trunks said.

"Right" Glaciem agreed. "I'll send Scarlet and Viridus your way, and then Jack and Rosea to the second, I'll take the last one."

"Quit trying to act cool!" Trunks snapped, flicking him in the forehead. "Send Jack my way, Scarlet and Viridus to the second one, and take Rosea with you." Glaciem smiled and put his hands up in surrender. Trunks smiled back and nodded.

"Let's go!" They both yelled simultaneously. Trunks took off in the direction of the vault, while Glaciem shot off in the direction of the shuttles. Within seconds the Patroller was boarding a shuttle that took him to his home in the housing section of the Time Nest. It was comprised of a few floating platforms similar to Kami's lookout nicknamed "Terraces". A few with apartments were scattered here and there, while others were dedicated to things such as a park, a hospital, and the Patroller academy. Fortunately for Glaciem, he had one all to himself. Well, him and his teammates. After Demigra was dealt with, Glaciem had decided to create a elite team of the strongest Patrollers. He and Trunks were given a mansion with a large yard on one of the Terraces. Glaciem stepped out, spotting two of his team members, Jack and Viridus, sparring in the grassy front yard. As soon as he stepped out they stopped, turning to greet him.

"Hey, Cap" Viridus, a Saiyan with long black hair and hazel eyes, said. He had a cross shaped scar on his cheek, and hair that hung down to his jawline. Both he and Jack were topless, only wearing gi trousers to train in. Viridus wore purple ones, while Jack had an orange pair. Viridus was the serious type, stoic and merciless. He had an incredibly diverse fighting style consisting of stringing together powerful martial arts and devastating blasts.

"G'mornin' cap'n!" Jack said putting his hand on his hip. He was an Earthborn with silver hair that hung in his face. Between his dark red eyes and his mischievous smile made it seem like he was always up to something. Jack was the youngest and fastest of the team, only seventeen years old. The boy had a thing for blasting his enemy from afar, but he was just as powerful up close.

"Hey, guys, we've got a situation" Glaciem said, smiling and crossing his arms. "Get dressed, I'll explain on the wa-" He stopped when he felt a rising power level.

"Big Bang" he heard a female voice say, spotting Rosea in the sky as she charged the ball of energy. "Attack!" She launched it at Jack, who did a backflip out of the way. She slowly descended, glaring at the silver haired teen. She was a pink Majin with a ponytail and slanted red and black eyes. She was short, her forehead only reaching to Glaciem's waist. She was wearing only an oversized tank top that almost reached her knees. Glaciem silently prayed she had something on underneath it. Viridus, being used to this, casually put his hands behind his head and went inside to put on his uniform. "Jackson!" She yelled, dashing at him. She threw a roundhouse which Galciem intercepted casually with his left forearm. The captain breathed a sigh of relief, thanking Shenron she was wearing underwear. "C-captain!" she said, spinning backwards and landing on her feet. "S-sorry, Jackson stole some of my candy again." Glaciem poked her forehead. Jack tried to sneak away behind his back.

"We don't attack our teammates" he said, pointing his palm out and blasting Jack off his feet. "Nor do we take what's not ours, young Jackson." The teen sat up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry" he chuckled nervously. "Won't happen again, I only hid it, I put it under the sink in the kitchen." Rosea crossed her arms and huffed.

"We've got an important assignment, Rosea. Go get dressed" Glaciem ordered.

"Y-yes sir!" She replied, running inside the large, brown mansion.

"You too" he said to Jack, who stood, dusted himself off, and went inside. His sister, Scarlet, coming out immediately afterward. She had fiery red hair that stuck out in many spikes, even the ones pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing Saiyan armor with a plateskirt and a pair of cloth bands on her wrists. As always, her katana hung proudly from her back. She looked at him with sharp, electric blue eyes.

"What's going on? Do we have a parallel issue?" She asked.

"No, it's the timeline, I'll explain more on the way" Glaciem answered. Viridus stepped out of the house, wearing a blue Saiyan chest piece and the purple Gi trousers. Rosea was behind him in her Buu Gravity suit.

"W-what about you Captain?" The Majin asked, trying not to stare at his bare chest.

"I'll change on the shuttle" he answered. Rosea squeeked a little and covered her mouth.

"You're looking pretty good in that Saiyan armor, red" Viridus said to Scarlet.

"What I care about is the practical application" she replied. Viridus sighed and hung is head. "Don't act so down, I appreciate the compliment. You don't look half bad yourself, either, especially now that you've shaved." The Saiyan rubbed his chin and grinned.

"Enough flirting" Jack said, walk I through the crowd. "We've got a job to do." He was wearing his Pilot suit. He grinned and gave a thumbs up. "We're all ready, Cap."

"Alright" Glaciem said, turning towards the shuttle. "Let's move out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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