"its just- i- theres this guy who makes fun of me all the time and he calls me ugly and fat.. he just makes me feel worthless."

"i see." i paused. "what's him name?"

"no- don't-"

"no. what's his name?"

"brendon." she paused and licked her lip. "urie. brendon urie."

"what does he look like?"

"he had tall hair and a fucking huge forehead. he never wears anything with sleeves."

"what a fucking tool."

"he is."

"how can i help?"

"you cant. hes half your size."

"i don't care. ill kick his ass if you want."

"i really appreciate it, but you can't. hes only 18.." she paused and looked at me. "oh.. and here's your spray." she handed me my pink pepper spray container and walked away.


i said i wasnt going to. i did.

i saw the fucker outside of the park. tall fucking fuckboy hair and a huge forehead, big enough for a plane to land on. he made my neighbour attempt to kill herself.

i would make him suffer.

i slowly approached him. it was a calm and quiet approach. i knew what i was gonna do:
he didn't.

"hey, brendon, is it?" i said slyly.

"um.. who are you?" his voice seemed whiny and he looked high as fuck. he was pretty, though. I will admit he made me feel guilty for .02 seconds, but then the image of jenna passed out in the bathroom with 20 pills in each hand, made me sick to my stomach.

"that's not important." i said, gritting my teeth. "you're gonna regret you ever lived." i muttered.


"oh nothing. just you made my friend attempt suicide. it's nothing. my important."

"what are you talking about?" he looked absolutely terrified.

"jenna? jenna black? my 14 yr old neighbor?? that tried to kill herself because of you?? ring a bell??" i said. he widened his eyes with fear. he realized what he had done.

"wait what? you mean- i-"

"you made my friend almost die a-"

"i didn't mean for this to ha-"

"well i didn't mean for my father to get killed either, but that happened. you caused her real pain. should i wait to cause you real pain, or-"

"listen.. the only reason i do that is because i really like her. i mean.. yeah i sometimes get really high and say stupid shit like that, but i just didn't mean for her to take it seriously."

"well you should really fucking think before you do." i punches him square in the mouth and walked away.

"tell her i'm really sorry." i turned around.

"sorry won't cut it."

"what can i do?" i thought for a moment. i looked at my necklace- the pepper spray.

"spray this in your mouth." i said, smiling manically.

"what is that?"

"oh just pepper spray."

"no- i-"

"do it." i handed him the spray and he hesitated. at first i thought he was gonna spray me. he started to press the nozzle. i stopped him before he could spray anything.

"don't. i was just testing you. you seem like you really do care."

i paused.

"but if this happens again, i'll spray that pepper spray right into your fucking eye."

"ok.. i promise i wont ever make fun of her ever, ever again."

i walked away finally and he stood against the wall. i didn't trust him at all.

i approached jenna later that day.

"you did what?"

"i told him off."

"dude, he's gonna fucking make fun of me more now."

"i punched him in the face and threatened him with pepper spray if it ever happened again, i fucking hope he wouldn't be that fucking stupid."

"god, i hope you're right."

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