Bucky Barnes // PTSD

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Prompt: You and Bucky spend your first Halloween together and feelings arise. His PTSD forces you to worry about his state of mind. Will you get through to him or will he go full Winter Soldier?

Warning(s): Angst, Panic/Anxiety Attack

Song: None

You lay on your king-sized bed in your apartment at the Stark Tower. You are the little sister of the famous Tony Stark which meant you got the second best apartment while Tony stayed in the Penthouse. You are consumed by the fantastic book you are reading so you didn't realize what time it was until Natasha walked into your room in her costume.

Halloween was on a Monday this year, yet Tony still wanted to host an 'epic' party. He planned it to start on Saturday and end Sunday afternoon. He had planned for Saturday to be filled with Haunted Houses and Scary Movies until midnight, which was when the real party would start. You were never a huge fan of Tony's parties because they always got to wild to your liking, but Halloween was your favorite holiday. You talked yourself into going just because you loved Halloween so much.

"Why are you not in costume?" Natasha asked astonished. She was your best friend and knew you loved Halloween, so she was pleasantly surprised. 

"I haven't been keeping track of time," you sighed as you sat your book on the night stand. You looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:30PM which meant the party would start in an hour and a half. Your gaze than shifted to Natasha to see what she was wearing. Her costume was Jessica Rabbit and her hair suited perfectly for it. Envy started to run through your veins as your self-doubt started to creep in. You never considered yourself sexy and Natasha's confidence only made you feel more inferior. 

"Well, where's your costume?" She asked frantically. 

"I'll get my costume and you can do my hair and makeup." You stated as you got up from the bed and walked over to your closet where you had the costume in a protective bag.  You were too self-conscious to be anything sexy, so you decided to go with classic elegance. You chose to be Morticia Addams from The Addams Family; one of your favorite Halloween movies. She was the literal definition of goals in your mind: great wife, supportive mother, hair goals, makeup goals...just...goals.

You walked out of the closet, wearing your long, form-fitting black dress with loose, lace sleeves and a flowy skirt. You felt Natasha's eye judge you as you walked into the bathroom to get your hair and makeup styled, "That's an interesting costume, (Y/N)." She smiled.

"I've always wanted to be Morticia Addams but I never had a boyfriend to do it so, i'm just going to be singular Morticia." You explained, "She was my favorite character growing up." Natasha smiled and nod as she began to do your makeup.

Once your were finished, You marveled at the sight of yourself in the mirror. Natasha still made a job of making you look feminine and sexy yet fit the character very well. You make your way out of your room with Natasha around 5:45, making your way to the elevator and down to the lobby. The elevator opens and everyone is dressed up. You follow beside Natasha yet feel everyone admiring her. You sigh as you fall back, walking in her shadow and you make your way to the group. Steve and Natasha hugged and held hands; he was dressed as Roger Rabbit.

Everyone engaged in conversation with each other while you stayed on the sidelines. you never usually come to these things so You didn't expect everyone to include you very easily, but to completely ignore you? That hurt. "Feeling like an outsider?" You heard a deep, raspy voice behind you. You turned around to see Bucky, wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie.

"Yea," you sigh. You and Bucky have developed a friendship overtime, but you weren't best friends. You felt like he resented you at times which caused most of the friction.

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