Bucky Barnes // I'm Sorry

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Prompt: You have sparred with almost everyone on the Avengers teams, and are looking for an actual challenge.

Warning(s): Fluff, Angst, Woman!Reader physically fights Men

Song: None

Notes: (Y/H/N) = Your HYDRA Nickname

"Can you at least give me some real competition?" You stated, cocking your hip out and placing a hand on it with a smirk on your face. The Avengers had been training for the last hour and Tony Stark, you older brother, insisted that you face everyone to try and toughen up...Well, everyone except for Thor and Bruce because they were nowhere to be found. You just laid out Sam, also know as the Falcon, for the third time on the mat. Sam laid there, holding his side and wincing. You smirked to yourself; maybe this will get him to stop flirting with you so much. 

"Fine, I didn't want to have to do this, but your cockiness leave's me no choice. Since you were both trained by HYDRA, maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing if you sparred with Bucky." Tony suggested. You took a deep breath and gulped.

You and Bucky were both assassins for HYDRA. He was taken in the 40's and given a metal arm after being brainwashed into thinking HYDRA was the good guy. You, on the other hand, were kidnapped from Stark's resident when you were around 8. You were also brainwashed, being a mindless droid that had to complete her mission. Over time, You and Bucky became close and even started dating. He was the only one who truly understood what you were going through. Over time, you two became a force to be reckoned with, until you found out HYDRA's true nature in trying to destroy the world, not save it. All HYDRA wanted was world domination and when you realized that you and Bucky were just pawns in their little game, you informed him. Bucky came up with a plan to escape with you and run far away from HYDRA, but while executing the plan, complications arose. You escaped just fine but when you turned around, Bucky wasn't there. You continued to run back home to inform The Avengers that Bucky needed saving. Of course, Steve was the only one on board with your plan to get your Soviet Soulmate back.

When you and The Avengers broke into HYDRA, you wandered upon a tortured looking Bucky. You realized that he had been brainwashed by HYDRA and there was no way he'd remember your relationship. He tried to kill you but Steve prevented this and they had an epic fight. To this day, You're the only one who remembers the relationship you had with Bucky.

Bucky looks up from his seat when he hears his name. You noticed a realization look arose on his face, and then confusion settled in. I sighed as I gestured him to come to the ring. He hesitantly stands from his seat and walks to the ring, climbing in. "Go!" Tony calls out. 

Bucky looks hesitant but he swings his metal arm as you grab it and twist it back. He reverses and twists your arm, your then do a one-armed cartwheel to untwist your arm, but he quickly recovers and wraps his arm around your neck as he begins to choke you out. You tap on his arm twice out of reflex - it was a sign of surrender when learning HYDRA combat. He was hesitant but let go as you regathered your breathing technique. A few moments later, you two begin to spare again. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his neck, elbowing the top of his head. He body slams you onto the mat and you feel the wind get knocked out of you. You hit your head hard on the mat when you landed, and it took you a few minutes to see straight and retaliate. You begin to experience a pounding headache, holding your head. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" You heard a raspy voice ask next to you.

"I...yeah...I'm...F-" You feel yourself faint and about fall until you feel a strong flesh arm and an uncomfortably cold metal arm catch you.


Your eyes began to flutter open as the light shined in through the curtains. You regained your vision after a few minutes and realized you were in the Infirmary. Tony was sitting in a chair, in the corner while Steve is sitting in the chair next to you. "Where's everyone?" You asked the boys.

"They couldn't all fit in here," Tony chuckled, "Wanda and Vision are at the Tower; Wanda still thinks she is too dangerous to step outside and I'm pretty sure Vision has a little crush on her so he stayed. Natasha is digging up some intel on HYDRA with Sam." Tony finished.

"Bucky is in the waiting room, though. He's too afraid to come see you; he thinks he'll hurt you again." Steve informed you. You felt a tug at your heartstrings, after all, you were the only one who knew about the love you once had for each other. You just simply nod,

"Now that I know you're ok, we've got to get back to the Stark Tower. Natasha came back with some intel and it's important." Tony said while standing up and putting his phone away. Steve sighed.

"Are you going to be ok, (Y/N)?" Steve asked,

"Of course. Now go," You chuckled. The two boys left and you sat there alone.


An hour had passed and you heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in," You said as you turned the TV off. In walked Bucky with a sad expression on his face. You gestured for him to sit in the chair next to you and he obliged. "What's up?" You asked him, attempting to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled just loud enough for you to hear him.

"For what?" 

"I was too rough with you. I gave you a concussion, (Y/N)." He sighed.

"I'ts ok, Buck. This line of work comes with a price and If I can't handle a little knock on the head, then I don't belong in this line of work." You smirked.

"It's not ok. I don't want to hurt you; I'm trying to change." He stated.

"I know you are, and so does the whole team. No one is going to put you down for this little mishap."

"Tony hasn't missed on opportunity to make me feel like shit."

"Hey, language." You frowned.

"God, you're just like Steve." He chuckled and you chuckled a little aswell. 

"Shut up. The only reason Tony is being so hard on you is because I'm his little sister. It doesn't seem like it at times, but he does care about me and is very protective. That's all it is, Bucky. You don't have to beat yourself up over it." You let out but he only huffed.

"But I don't want to hurt you, (Y/H/N)." He looked down. Your eyes began to widen,

"How do you remember that?" You asked.

"Remember what?"

"The nickname I had in HYDRA."

"Because I gave it to you, doll." He looked up at your with his gorgeous blue eyes.

"When did you remember?"

"During the fight, when you tapped me on the arm while I was choking you, I remember how we used to fight and train for HYDRA. When you passed out and I caught you, I remembered almost everything else about you in HYDRA." He stated.

"What about you and me?" You questioned him. 

"I remember how we slowly feel in love but it had to stay a secret. I remember you throwing a birthday party for me and hiding the cake under 100 candles. I remember fighting on a mission together and one of the enemies shot at you so I killed him. I remember when HYDRA found out during our escape. I remember how you went to go get help and they captured me and that's when I was brainwashed. I remember everything, (Y/N). That's why I don't want to hurt you." He admitted. You couldn't help but smile at the memories as you look at him.

"You won't hurt me, Bucky. We're a team," You reached your hand out and touched his metal arm. He was always holding you with him right arm because he never trusted his left. He always thought that the metal arm would spasm out and hurt you so I tensed when you held the bionic hand. "Don't worry Bucky, it's ok." You soothed as he slowly untensed and body and relaxed as you held his hand.

"I Love You, (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)." You said as her kissed your hand. You placed you other hand on his cheek,

"I Love You, James Buchanan Barnes." As you lean down, he leans up and gives a long-overdue, sweet and gentle kiss.

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