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Ryan was playing hide and seek with his friends Jonathan, Luke, and Bryce. Since it was very dark outside, Ryan had difficulty scavenging through the woods for his opponents. He heard a noise not to far away and whispered, "Ready or not, here I come." He chuckled coldly, prepared to find one of his friends.
       Ryan made his way through the trees, towards the noise. Then he heard it, a terrifying yell escaping the area ahead of him. Ryan got there only to see the disturbing, but oddly interesting sight of Luke's lifeless body on the ground. "Holy shit." Ryan whispered to himself. Suddenly, something sharp intruded Ryan's back. Blood ran out all over the leaves. He caught a glimpse of the mask Jonathan used to prank them with, blood all over his blue hoody.
      Before blacking out Ryan saw a tall figure rise over his face and lift him into the air. He looked at the blood on his clothing and started to laugh. "Isn't this fun? Hide and seek, Die and seek. Hahaha, amazing." He laughed even louder, losing his mind. "But they all forgot one thing...HAHAHAHA...I'm it. Ready or not, here I come. HAHAHA here Ohmwrecker comes!"

(Later at the mansion he receives two katana blades, and wears a mask with his logo. He chases people in the night and seeks them out. Creepypasta of Ohmwrecker.)

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