t a g g ed

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1- Favorite style of music?


2- Something you Collect

~see previous tag~

3-Favorite Genre of Literature?

~Action, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Horror, Thriller, STEAMPUNK, Non-Fiction, and Fantasy. Basically anything but chick-lit and romance.

4- Have you ever walked into a wall?

~YES. Many many many times.

5- Funniest thing that has happened to you in the past week?

~Homecoming Week 😂~

6- Can you write a haiku?

~I can, but I DISLIKE HAIKUS WITH A PASSION...*calms down*

7- If you could only have one electronic device what would it be?

~Probably an iPad

8-Coffee or Tea?

~Tea!!!!!! <3

9- Starbucks or local coffee place?
~WAWA. I know it might be a chain but it's a local coffee place!

10- Soft Serve or Frozen Yogurt (I KNOW ITS A TOUGH ONE)

~Frozen Yogurt. I like all the flavor varieties!

11-Universal Amusement Parks, Seaworld/Busch Gardens, or Disney Parks?

~ooooooooh. This is a toughie. I love Universal, the MARVEL area is awesome, but I also LOVEEEEE Busch Gardens. I guess it depends on my mood. Busch gardens is much more relaxed whereas Universal is kind of stressful (but it's still incredible)

12-Do you want to go to comic-con? If so, what is your dream cosplay?

oooooooh that's a toughie. Let's just assume I'm going to multiple cons for multiple days which gives me an excuse to list all my dream cosplays:

Bucky Barnes
Rikki Barnes
Abigail Brand
James Rogers
Leah of HEL (this is what I want to do next time I go)
Kate Bishop
Hope Summers

13-Who is a super cool person that I should totally follow? (Not guaranteeing any follows)

ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS (: you guys totally awesome

14-MARVEL MCU or MARVEL comics universe?

~Comics. Hands down. Comics.

15-How did you find out about Wattpad?

country_love53 introduced me to this wonderful app!

16-Why did you choose your username?

~Because Clint Barton was my favorite character at the time, and it's the same name as my Pinterest.


17-What is your opinion on Geometry?


18-What is your favorite animated TV show? (Not anime)

~Super Hero Squad

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