Pregnant pt:2 - Do'b

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, stop! You're not thinking straight!" Dylan shouts just as I'm about to shut my door.

"Just like you weren't when you left me at that restaurant all fucking alone, with a baby! I've had to raise him all alone. And I've done a pretty good job! So don't you dare come crawling back to me!" I shout back, a tear falling onto the ground.

I slam the car door shut and start the engine, reversing out of the driveway. Wiping my tears away.

"Mama, what's wrong." Y/C/N asks.

"Oh nothing, I'm fine hunny." My voice cracks.

"Can we go to playhowse?".

"Yes, of course.".

After a twenty minute drive we end up at wacky warehouse, I paid for Y/C/N and stick his big blue sticker on his shirt.

We both go into the child's section and I sit with him whilst he plays with the blow up balls. Throwing them as far as he could.

My phone went off in my back pocket.

'It's Dylan. Tyler gave me your number, can we please just talk this out? You can come to my place and we'll sort this out.'.

Psh, why does he want to come bouncing back into our lives now? Just because he's seen his son? I don't think so. If he wanted something to do with us he could've messaged me on Facebook or something.

My fingers were quick to type a message back 'Is this because you saw your son? Because you've realised what you've been missing out on?'.

I played with Y/C/N for a while longer.

'Because I've realise what I lost and I was stupid enough to leave it for this long. I shouldn't of been a coward and stayed with you, I want to raise this baby with you, become a family. Be the dad Y/C/N never had.'.

'That's because he didn't need a dad. Pick me up at 7 at 103 Newbury avenue, I'll drop Y/C/N off at Tyler's. If you can prove to me that you actually want to raise this baby, I'll message you the day after, and if you don't get that message, then you can carry on not being apart of my baby's life.'.

I took a deep sigh.

'Our baby'

At five, I decided to call it quits, I took Y/C/N out of the play house and went home, grabbing some nappies, his teddy bear, his bottle, pyjamas and clean clothes. I quickly messaged Tyler asking if he'd mind the baby overnight as I was going to talk to Dylan.

'Sure, I'm glad you're talking to Dylan. I hope things get better xxx.'.

I then drive to Tyler's house and drop off Y/C/N, this isn't the first time he's stayed at Tyler's to he'll be okay. And after that I drive back home.

Sitting on the couch and turning on Netflix. Smiling to myself, I switch on The Big Bang Theory.

Around an hour later, I hear a knock on the door. I get up to answer it.

"Hey, uh. You ready?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah." I say, slipping on some superstars.


Dylan runs round the side of the car, opening the door for me as I get in. I smile lightly, sitting down and strapping myself in.

He then runs round his side and gets in, starting the car and driving off.

"So, what's new?" He asks, stopping the awkward silence.

"Nothing, you?".

"Trying to get back into my ex girlfriends life, along with the baby she had." He glances at me and then looks back onto the road.

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