Chapter 1

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I stood at the end of stairs looking at my father and step-mother entering the mansion. My step- brothers and sister ran to them hugging them closer because they were coming home from their business trip after around 2 months. My step-mother had three big bags in her hand as she happily handed them to her children. Martina, started squealing loudly saying 'Gifts! Thank you, mom- dad'.

They hugged them again before settling in living room unpacking their presents. My eyes were fixed on my father to capture some kind of emotion towards me. I wasn't expecting expensive gifts but just a small nod of acknowledging me. His eyes gazed at me with the same cold emotion, I was seeing for last 10 years.

With the same emotionless face, he turned towards his wife and her children and his lips turned into something you call smile. A small knot tugged in my stomach but I tried to swallow all my emotions. I should have been habitual to this but that small hope was there telling me that maybe my father still cared for me but some hopes are just hopeless, aren't they? I silently walked back to my room, not that anyone knew I was there and closed the door silently. I sat near window, not wanting to cry over something this stupid.

So, this is pretty much what happened with me for last ten years. They behave like I don't even exist. They don't care if I'm alive or dead. It all started when my mom died. I was seven that time. Before that my dad was the perfect example of how a father should be but she left and everything changed.

He changed, he stopped caring, and he just dragged me from place to place. He married thrice after that just for money. After his second marriage I realized that he was nothing but a conceited jerk.

He made sure that I don't get along with the family. Now he was married to Annie the only daughter of some rich man. She already had three children, Connor, who was senior in school then Martina, who was in same grade as me and then last one Nick who was the only person who talked to me when I was in their house and he was six.

Suddenly the door opened and on the cue, Nick ran to me. He plopped on the bed while hugging his new Car.

"Gracie, look, mom bought me new car." He smiled giddily. I chuckled softly while sitting beside him, ruffling his blond locks.

"That's cool, Nick." I tried to match his smile.

"Where is your gift?" I knew he would ask me this question as he always did.

"Well, you see, dad didn't get what I wanted so he told me he would bring my gift next time." I lied.

"Again?" his small lips turned into frown but then he looked at me with a wide grin on his lips,

"I will buy you the biggest gift ever, I promise." tears burned at the back of my eyes as I hugged him tightly.




I typed furiously on computer keyboard as thoughts were playing soccer in my head. I had to get them out. You see, it was a habit of mine, whenever I felt anxious, I would write something. This time, I started with a story of a girl, her feelings on some level were same as mine but main thing about these characters were I could relate them and it made me feel better.

It was a story which was close to my heart and wanted to write it down on paper or anywhere so if anything went wrong, I would still have a proof. I mean come on; you wouldn't know what will happen in future. What if I get amnesia and then lose my memory? No no! Sounds like exaggeration. But come on, a girl can take care of her valuable memory and time, right?

Bad BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora