First Day

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I jolted up to the sound of my alarm clock. Why do these evil things even exists, they are the literal definition of a dream killer. Groaning, I pushed my self to my feet and smiled when I saw my clothes and my volleyball gear, folded and layed out with deadly precision. "Thanks mom!!" I called out and immediately received an answer. "No problem dear, if you don't hurry your going to be late!!".

'Yeah yeah, I know I know' I mentally rolled my eyes at her comment/

I decided to head her advice and quickly get ready. I sling my bag over my shoulder and trot down stairs only to come face to face with my strict father. I would be lying if I said that he wasn't handsome. My dad, Vincent, is around 6"5 with raven black hair, grey brooding eyes, a sharp jawline and a pretty built figure.

My dad is the perfect gentlemen, let's just say he was raised in a very strict and non-loving household. My mom Kian is exactly like my father in one aspect. They are both strict as fuck over everything ranging from grades, to my friends even how I wash the dishes.

"Your homework is done, correct Melanie?" Asked my father.

"Yes sir" I replied.

"Better get going Kelly is waiting outside" and with that my father walked away.

I let out an exhausted sigh, sometimes I don't even know if my father cares about me. I mean we never even have a genuine conversation. He's always in a hurry to get something done to even think about spending time with me. I always brush it off but the truth hurts.

Well enough of this sap...I got to get going I'm going to be late for school.

I rush out the door and to Kelly who is waiting in her car.

"What took you so long Mel?" Asked Kelly with an irritated look.

You see, Kelly has been my best friend since elementary school. She was always there for me through all of my parents screaming matches, to crazy ex-boyfriends, and more. But truth is she's abit of a bitch...but nonetheless my bestfriend.

"Sorry hun!! I had a hard time finding my science homework...I could've sworn I had it on my bed" I said making up some lame excuse.

Kelly rolls her eyes and started up her car driving towards school.

"You really need to organize your bag and your school work"

I roll my eyes at Kelly's remark.

"I'll organize my bag as soon as I get my life under control." I replied completely entranced in my phone.

"Has Dylan texted you?" Kelly asked showing some interest.

I groaned loudly at the mention of his name.

"He won't fucking stop...I don't think he gets the meaning of 'We're over' do I need to spell it out for him?!"

"Okay okay calm your tits" Kelly said clearly shocked at my outburst.

Dylan is my recent ex-boyfriend, he was the perfect gentlemen to me at the beginning. Taking me on candle lit dinners, buying me roses, and overall the perfect boyfriend. But then it started to seem that all he wanted was sex...but I wouldn't give it to him because I want to make sure I love the person and they love me.

That day I decided to surprise him with his concert tickets to his favorite band Twenty-one Pilots. To find him in bed....with my whore of a cousin. I ran out before he could see me but I made sure to let him know that I knew his little shenanigans.

Let's just said I made a big break up scene in front of the whole school at lunch and might've....key word 'might've' mentioned his erectile dysfunction....


We pulled into the school's parking lot and soon got up and out of the car gathering our stuff.
"Time for 8 hours of hell, you ready?" I ask Kelly already knowing the answer.

"Fuck no" Kelly replied.

We head into the school pushing through the main doors and into the hallways bustling with people. I immediately head to my locker ignoring all of people who claim to be friends. You see ever since I began captain of the volleyball team and the whole school found out my family was loaded with money, I had people left and right claiming to want to be my friend. But really even I could tell they wanted something.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a high pitched screech. Carly. The school's whore strutted up to met with her skirt that was way to tight and that had her flat ass just hanging out and not to mention the tight tube top to match.

"Mellie baby!!!!" Carly screeches. 'ow my ears'. I sigh not really wanting to put up with her at this moment.

"What do you want Carly?" I ask in a soft voice.

"We have a new History teacher and he is literally the most sexiest thing I think I have ever seen" Carly remarked fangirling.

"What about your boyfriend? You know the guy that you have been dating for a year now?" I quirked eyebrow questionably. She rolled her eyes with a scoff at my comment.

"Im getting bored with him...but anyway back to Mr. Sexy"

"Im sorry Carly I have to get to class before the bell rings" I hurry off to class before Carly can get a word in. 


The bell rung as all the students gathered their stuff to go to their next period. On the way back to my locker I overheard a group of girls talking about the so called sexiest teacher.

"Oh my god did you see those muscles buldging out of him tight omg just take me now" the brunette commented.

"But did you see his gorgeous eyes...I swear" the blonde one commented.

I rolled my eyes at their stupidity, didn't they know having that type of relationship with their own teacher is illegal. It doesn't matter what they look like its...just...wrong to do that with your own teacher. I head to my next period which just so happens History...time to see what all the fuss is about.

I walk into the classroom sitting sitting the back of the classroom. As everyone settles down in their seats the classroom door opens.

"Hello sorry I'm late" said a deeply alluring voice as the man walks to the front of the classroom allowing me to see him clearly. "I'm Mr. Anderson but you can call me Blake and I am your new History teacher."

I take back everything I said about the History damn.


Hello!!! I'm sorry if it sucked its my first story :// 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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