20. Faking It

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"What in the hell is wrong with him?"

"I don't know; he almost killed Lydia."

I hear voices bounce around in my head as I slowly start to wake up, it taking me a moment or two to remember what had happened. The moment it finally hits me, I'm sitting up as far as my body lets me and coughing, water burning in my throat. I keep my eyes latched shut for some reason, but I continued to cough until it was finally all out.

The room around me is silent as I slowly open my eyes, taking everything in. I was no longer in the school; instead, I was positive that I was now sitting in the vet clinic. Out of all places they could have taken me, I was surprised that they brought me here. But then again, Deaton technically was the doctor for us supernatural creatures.

Then I recognized who all was standing here. To my right was Jade, followed by Scott and then, of course, Allison. My eyes stop on her when I see her standing there, fear and sadness written on her face. Something inside of me cared, but just when I thought I did, something was pulling that part of me downwards until I eventually forgot that I did once care about her.

"Corey," Allison says, biting her nails before lowering her arm. The rest of them stare at me, waiting for me to make a move, but I already knew my move.

Suddenly, I'm bringing my hands to the side; the same motion I would have used to jump down off of the table I was now sitting on. However, when I go to do this, my hands stop in their spots, not wanting to go any farther. That was when I looked down and found that I was strapped down to the table; my wrists and ankles both.

I narrow my eyes as I look up, making eye contact with Allison. "What in the hell is this?"

"Why did you try and kill Lydia?" Scott snaps back at me. I knew he must be enjoying this.

I cock my head. "Try?"

"She's okay," Jade answers me, shaking her head. "You failed."

I bite my lip, blood being drawn from it. Rage fills my entire body. "Only a few more seconds...if you wouldn't have been there, she would be dead right now!"

Allison yells over me. "Why! Why in the hell do you want her dead?"

Her chest heaves inwards and outwards as I throw myself forwards as far as I can go, insanity in my eyes. "Why? She's a banshee. She's a threat. She's the only person standing between Stiles' freedom from that...fox. Removing her from the equation means we get Stiles back...isn't that what you all want?"

Allison starts crying then. I felt nothing when I should have. "Corey..."

"He's in his head," Jade breathes then, taking a step backwards. "The nogitsune-"

Scott cuts her off, furrowing his eyebrows. "In his head?"

"That's the only thing that explains it," Jade nods. "Deucalion had a way to get in our heads when we wouldn't listen to him; what if the nogitsune does too? Considering it's a trickster spirit, it wouldn't surprise me. The question is how-"

"You're wrong," I laugh, shaking my head at her. Never did I hate Jade as much as I did now; she ruined my life before, she ruined my plan, and here she was now, blaming the nogitsune for what's happening to me. "He just helped me find myself. This is me."

Allison's eyes leave me as she looks over at Jade. "What do you mean Deucalion had a way to get in your head?"

Scott answers. "Peter did the same thing. Back in the school that night we were trapped in there, he used his howl to control me. I almost killed you then, Allison."

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