24. Trickery

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"Of course it had to be chess," I remark, still trying to recover from the last scene I had just witnessed with Allison being the shower and all. "This nogitsune sure loves to be symbolic."

Scott stares off in the distance with me at Stiles. He starts to call his name. "Stiles!"

I do the same, expecting to see the freckled faced boy look in our direction, but instead he raises his hand slowly and moves another chess piece, not noticing that we were here at all. My heart sinks into my chest, but before I could let the reality of this situation set in, I started to run.

"Stiles!" I shout as I dart across the tile flooring, Scott right behind me. "Why can't he hear us?"

"Forget him hearing us," Scott screams at me, out of breath. "Why aren't we getting any closer?"

I stop in my tracks then, realizing that Scott was right. We had to have at least ran a good 20 feet, but we were the same distance from Stiles. "What the hell..."

"How are we supposed to get to him now?" Scott pants, stepping up beside me. We both stare at Stiles for a long moment, watching the nogitsune move another piece on the board before I start to jump up and down, waving my hands for Stiles to notice us.

The situation reminded me exactly of Scott and I looking through a one way glass mirror, with Stiles on the other side. Of course he wouldn't be able to hear or see us...he couldn't. The nogitsune was dug in too deep. But I wasn't going to give up; there had to be another way.

"What do we do?" Scott sighs, dropping his hands back to his side.

I stare off at Stiles. "We need to be louder."

"How?" Scott bends over, setting his hands on my knees. "I'm over here belting my lungs out, I don't think I can get much louder."

My eyes flick over to Scott then, getting an idea. "But what if you can."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Corey, what are you talking about?"

"You may not be able to yell louder, but you can roar," I breathe, nodding my head. I had faith this would work. "Stiles is lost; he can't find himself. What if you can bring him back the same way Jade had with Malia. You have to roar."

Scott shakes his head. "But Jade brought Malia back, not me. What if I can't?"

"It's the only idea I've got," I breathe, looking back down at Stiles. "You have to at least try, Scott. This is for Stiles."

Scott stands back up, taking a deep breath. "It's worth a shot."

I turn and watch Scott as dark brown fur sprouts from his cheeks, along with canines that poke through his bottom lip. Every time I saw a werewolf transform, it made me wonder what it would be like to be one...what it would be like to be able to heal, to have your senses heightened, and most importantly, what it would be like to have a pack. I tried to picture Stiles being a werewolf, but I couldn't do it. This idea of Peter's had to work; it was the only way.

Scott's eyes burn a dark red in that moment as he takes a deep breath, staring ahead at Stiles and the nogitsune. His claws extend as sound starts to emit from his mouth, that sound being the loudest roar I've ever heard. It was much louder than Jade's roar for Malia, and I knew that Scott was pulling this out of him...for Stiles.

The sound grows so loud that I have to use my hands to cover my ears. A large smile forms on my face as I look down at Stiles, watching him as he turns and looks over at us, confusion on his face before he slowly turns back to the nogitsune, anger on his face now. The nogitsune growls lowly just as soon as Stiles raises his hands, swiping them across the board as the pieces of the game go flying across the room.

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