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After about 10 minutes of walking to my apartment as Lin rambled on about Camelot or something, I sat Lin down on the couch and grabbed him some blankets.

"Where are we?"

"This is my apartment, Lin." I said, trying to keep him calm.

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"Of course not."

"Well then what're you gonna do?"

"Again, make sure you don't die."

"Can we kiss again? I'm boredddddd."

"Maybe another time," I said while laughing.

"NOOOOOOO." He cried.




"No." Before I knew it he started to get up.



"Yes!" I said until he whispered in my ear-

"No." He proceeded to peck my lips and tease me.

"Nana nana boo boo hah I GOT YOU! HEHEHEHEHEH!" He said before body-slamming on the couch and hiding under his blankets as a shield. What a child.

"What am I ever gonna do with you Lin," I said in exhaustion. Before turning to go to bed I grabbed a trash can and put it next to Lin as he lay asleep on my sofa incase he felt sick tomorrow morning.

Lin's POV

The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Where was I?

"Well, good morning, Lin-Man," I heard to the right of me. It was Winter?

"Winter? Where are we? Ugh, I have an awful headache." I said groggily.

"You were super drunk last night so you crashed here," she said. From her calm tone I could tell nothing happened between us last night.

"What was I acting like?"

"Well, you were telling everybody about how I was feeling pretty good and then you kissed me and yelled about it and then you ranted non-stop about Camelot and now you're here."

I kissed Winter?

"Wait- I kissed you?" I asked as I could feel my cheek turn tomato red.

"Yeah. And said other things."


"You just kept calling me beautifulllllll- that's all," she said while giggling and blushing a bit.

"Oh. Drunk Lin's a savage," I said and smirked in a fake manner.

"You got that right." She said. My head started pounding.

"Hey, do you have anything for like- headaches or whatever I can take? I feel like crap,"

"Yeah, let me go check."

Winter walked into what I'm assuming was a bathroom and searched through the medicine cabinet. She handed me the medicine with some water and a couple minutes later we talked for a little bit, about things like the show. I started to feel really tired.

"Hey, so you know how you said we kissed?" I asked, half-asleep.

"Well, it was more of a make-out, but yeah." She whispered, trying not to make my head pound I guess.

"Oh, well anyways, did you like it?" I yawn.

"I mean, it wasn't bad." She said. I could tell she blushed as she got up and waltzed into her room knowing I was ready to take a nap. But right before I fell asleep, all I could think of myself as was a figure of disappointment. And it was because I made out with Winter and I don't even remember it happening.

Winter//A Lin-Manuel Miranda / Hamilton Fanfic (ON HOLD FOR HOWEVER LONG LMAO)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora