Figure 0.9

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Nina pov

After our little singing we came down a subway trainstation.

"My momma is going to be so proud of how I am going to meet the wiz." Lion said.

"Bruh, this lion act like he is Stevie wonder. "Jada said as I giggled.

My giggling stopped as I notice some weird figure 0.9 coming over to us bouncing some puppets up and down.

"Who the freak are they!? My man's, you look like your from some kind of creature off of Outlast 2." I said as Jada chuckled.

"I don't think they are friendly. Run!"Scarecrow said as we ran away from the figures that were chasing us. I notice Lion was running fast to get away from them in fear as he ran into a room where he got away. It left us back to where we are when a door closed in front of us!

"Lion! Dorothy yelled.

We kept shaking the door to try and get in. No uss that we were going to get in since he is the cowardly lion.

"Lion! Open the door! You have to be brave!" Jada encourage him as a saw him running to the door and helped us all get in before those creatures try to grab us.

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