Chapter 3

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Tiffany's POV

I stood infront of the church holding onto Rhianna's hand tightly for comfort. She was still having trouble coming to terms with the fact she was gone. I was to. I don't think either of us saw it coming. It was like everything came crashing down in that moment. We were greeting people as they entered the church. They all looked so depressing in black. Rhianna would nod her dead out of politeness to them but she didn't have a clue who these people were.

After the last person had entered Rhianna and I walked to the front bench and sat down. There was people chatting amongst each other but we just sat in silence. Music began to play and we all stood up as the casket was carried threw by men. I felt Rhinna's grip on my hand tighten. It was a very emotional thing to see.

The priest began speaking and we all sat down. He spoke about the bible and said a few poems and then asked if anyone wanted to come and say a word out of respect. I felt Rhianna's hand slip threw mine as she raised her hand. The priest nodded to her and moved over to give her room.

"For those of you who knew my gran, you would know that she was an angel. Always so caring, good hearted and never hated anyone. She wasn't someone capable of hate.  I suppose she is somewhere better now. Somewhere where there is thousands of other people just like her. I'm going to miss her so much though. I cant imagine not having her around. To talk about my problems, to ask for her advice, and her amazing cooking." Rhianna gave a small laugh." I just want to say that life wont be the same without her." She walked back to the bench and sat down. I grabbed hold of her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. She turned to me with tears in her eyes. I mouthed to her "You did great."She nodded and turned her head back towards the vicar.

"Does anybody else want to say a few words?" He asked the room. No one said anything or made a move to say anything. Just as the vicar was about to carry on a deep voice rumbled through the room.

"I will." Everyone turned their attention to the back of the room. Standing at the back of the church was a muscular man with midnight black hair. He looked drunk out of his mind which made me wonder what he was going to say. He didn't look in good shape to be here. We all watched as he made he way to the front of the church and stood next to the vicar. The vicar seemed slightly shocked but the stranger shooed him away with his hands.

"I don't see how all of you consider her to be a saint. To me she was the opposite. You say she wasn't capable of hate, yet she hated me. I agree with the whole cooking thing. That was about the only good thing about her. I cant exactly say i'm going to miss her but I suppose at these types of things your meant to say at least one good thing about them. So i'm going to stick with the cooking. I'm going to miss your amazing cooking old woman." With that he stumbled of stage and took a seat at the back of the church. The vicar was standing there in shock just like the rest of us. I turned my head to look at Rhianna who looked like she was about to have a break down.

"Rhianna ignore him. You know your gran wasn't like that. You would know better then him. After all you have lived with her for like forever." I told her. She nodded her head and wiped away her tears. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down. I snapped my head to the back of the room and glared daggers at the man. He didn't seem to bothered. He was busy drinking something out of his flask.

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