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Your PoV~

The game soon came to an end and it was time to sleep.

"So, we may have a slight problem with sleeping arrangements... I sleep in a single bed which is small enough for one, and Isabel has a small double and we have a spare bedroom with a double bed."

"DIBS SHARING WITH ISABEL!!!" Hanji practically screams while jumping on Isabel and enveloping her in her arms growling like a dog protecting its toy.

"Well looks like (y/n) and Levi are sharing the double!" Farlen says with a smirk. 'So this is your payback huh?' I think. I glance at Levi is expecting him to be arguing with farlen over the room arrangements but instead he just picks up his bags and walks over to what I assume is the spare bedroom.

"Tch, fine with me" I look at Hanji and Isabel wide eyed and they look back at me, Hanji still clinging onto Isabel's neck, looking shocked.

"You coming or what brat?!" He says looking at me through the doorway.

"Oh! Y-yeah, sorry..." I pick up my bag and go into the room dumping it on the bed and getting out my pijamas.

"I'm just going to go change in the bathroom" I say and briskly walk out of the room and into the toilet, changing into my music note top and some white shorts. I walk back in and put my other clothes in my rucksack. Levi wasn't in the room, he is probably getting a drink or going to the toilet, I think I get under the covers of the White bed and close my eyes. I hear Levi walking a few minuets later. I keep my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep, he lifts up the covers and under the sheets.

"Night (y/n) "

Time skip~

Farlen's PoV~

I wake up to hear aloud snoring from the spare bedroom. I yawn and stretch, swinging my legs out of the bed and take my phone from my bedside table; placing it in the back pocket of my pijama shorts. I walk towards the spare bedroom and open the door to find that it was Levi snoring his head off. Not only that but his arm was draped over (y/n)s waist pulling her into him, (y/n) had her hands lightly balled into fists, her head resting on her hands. She had tucked herself into a ball and was practically snuggled into Levi's chest. I hear Isabel and Hanji outside getting some water.

"Hey Hanji, Isabel, take a look at these two!" I say mischievously poking my head round the corner of the door frame. The sleepily walk into the room but soon become excited by the sight of Levi basically cradling (y/n).

"They are soooo cute! " Isabel whispers while squealing, hanji agrees and a thought soon popped into my head.

"Another great photo opportunity " I whisper to my self. I take out my phone and go the camera snapping a shot, but only for me to realise I forgot to take the ringer off so a snap could be heard. Hanji and Isabel gave me a death glare and darted out of the room to escape Levi's wrath. Levi started to wake up so I quickly shot a few more photos.

"Farlen?..." He says dazed, his arm still round (y/n)s waist. I stand stock still and he slowly realises the situation him and (y/n) are in and the phone in my hand.

"Farlen you fucking bastard, if (y/n) wasn't asleep I'd kill you right here,right now" he says growling at me.

"L-Levi? Why is your arm around *yawn* my waist?" She had woken up. She looked at Levi dozily and he quickly removed his arm.

"Hey (y/n) take a look at this~" I show her a photo of her and Levi in bed and she immediately turns as red as a wild fire. She looks up from the phone and at me, she has an angry look her eyes and all of a sudden she pounces on me like a wild cat.


"Isabel! Help!" Isabel runs into the room and snatches the phone out of my hands preventing (y/n) from getting it.

"ISABEL!" She pushes herself up and off of me using my chest as a launch pad and runs after Isabel. I get up to watch the commotion and see that Isabel his it in an empty vase on the shelf and (y/n) is strangling Isabel on the couch.

"Where's the phone!" She says seriously. I sigh and roll my eyes and drag (y/n) off of Isabel by the back of her pijama collar. I take the vase out of the shelf and (y/n) makes a grab for it.

"Oh no missy" I say wagging a finger at her while scrolling through last nights photos of her and this mornings photos.

"Let's make a deal~ you don't tell anyone about the boxer dare last night and I won't show the photos" I smirk and (y/n) sighs.

"Fine fine fine, just keep your promise idiot" she snarls and I laugh.

"Anyone for pancakes for breakfast?" Isabel says.

"Yeppee!" Hanji squeals and Isabel brings out a frying pan and the ingredients whisking up the pancake batter.


Hey guys I think I'm gonna start making the chapters a bit smaller cause I always used to do them over 1580 words and with being in year eleven and stuff I find it hard to find the time. Writing smaller isn't that bad, it means I can update more regularly and the book will be longer overall! I hope you guys can understand and I am truly sorry
Love India xxx

Teach Me {Levi x musical Reader [AU]}Where stories live. Discover now