"Julianna don't you dare give in. You are my daughter. Fight. Now!" Juli stepped back, hesitated, then started forward again but a wall of fire appeared in front of her. Her body started shaking as she bent over coughing. Two snakes slid out of her mouth as she used her teeth to bite down. Then spitting them out she raised her palm and lit them on fire. Then as if to make sure she stomped on it. Then turning to me she smiled and wiped blood from her mouth. 

"Nobody possesses Leslie, Luke, and Julian's daughter and gets away with it." Turning to Mom she rushed forward and hugged her tightly. Laying her head on Mom's shoulder she sighed and spoke again. "Nobody goes after my Mom while possessing me." Straightening up she turned from Mom, crunched the snake again and walked over to the window.

Leaning out she pulled Dad out of the tree he was hanging in. Then kneeling down she helped Asa off the floor. Blinking I started to walked towards them as everything began to spin and blackness overcame me. My last thought was how much of a coward I was.


After an hour I got everyone to stop hovering and leave me alone for a few minutes. Sighing I sat cross-legged on the bed staring at the wall. I could feel my powers pushing at me, screaming to get out. I could feel the call but couldn't understand what this feeling was. I blinked and stood as I realized why I was confused about this particular emotion. I had been angry before but it was in my nature to stay in control. You couldn't be the leader facing the things we were to face when you snapped at people all the time but right now, at this moment I was furious.

I had never felt this before. It was earth shattering. I had this urge to strike out and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I knew if I didn't speak my mind I would not be able to keep a handle on my powers. I had never been furious and I had never thought it would be Gabe that sent me spiraling out of control. I swung open his door aware that if I wasn't careful I could hurt him in my anger. Right now, however, I didn't care.  

Gabe was lying on his side facing the wall while Lee leaned up against the wall and absently rubbed his head. Lee's head jerked up when the door open and her face paled when she looked into my eyes. She started to speak as I grabbed her arm and yanked her off the bed. 

"Get out Lee." I shoved her out the door, slammed it, then locked it. Growling I turned back to Gabe who had sat up and was staring at me his silver eyes wide. I stepped forward as electricity leapt to my skin so I crackled and sparked like a faulty wire. He froze as I grabbed his arm and electricity jumped from my body to his. I could smell his skin burning but his eyes stayed locked on mine. I released him then knowing my handprint would be burned onto his arm. I could feel his sorrow being his twin and it tempered my anger but did not diminish it.  

"How could you?" My eyes burned with fury as he sat there afraid unable to move like he had done before. He was letting his fear freeze him and it had almost killed our mother. Still he didn't answer me. 

"Never have I regretted being your twin, until now. Your nothing but a coward." I tasted blood as I literally bit down on my tongue to stop the words I wanted to say. Words that I would not be able to take back. His eyes didn't leave mine as the door behind me opened and I knew my family was standing there. They said nothing as Gabe stood and walked over to me. I could feel the pain in him and I reached out to grab his hand. He paused looked down at my hand then looked back up at me.  

"Your right and I know that." He jerked free of me and walked out the door. The door shut as if to say Gabe was right and I was in the wrong. I fell to my knees, my breathe coming in gasps as the words hit home. My brother had known he was a coward and had been waiting for someone to say it. I sobbed as I felt strong arms wrapping around me to hold me as I cried. I looked up to see Jules green eyes gazing into mine. My dad had heard me cry and came to hold me. Sighing, I leaned back and laid my head on his shoulder neither of us said a word. 

I don't know how long we sat there on the floor but we both looked up when Gabe entered. His silver eyes met mine as I jumped off the floor and leapt into his arms. I hugged him knowing we were okay. He used one hand to push his raven-black hair from his face as he spoke. And it occurred to me his hair was the same colors as Raven's. 

"So mom has some stuff she needs us to get for the party tomorrow but I think she just wants us out of her hair." He glanced over at Jules who had stood as well. "But before that I think we need to talk." Jules nodded as I sighed, nothing was ever easy around here.


After Jules showed up to comfort Juli I went to my bedroom to think. The snake had said I was pregnant. I place a hand on my stomach as Luke walks in. He didn't know yet since he was hanging from a tree at the time and I needed to tell him. His blue eyes met mine as he sat down beside me on the bed and nuzzled my neck.

"What's wrong baby? I felt your anxiety all the way downstairs." I smile and place his hand on my stomach. He stiffens then breaks into a wide grin.

"Your pregnant? It's mine?" I roll my eyes as I lift a brow and he blushes.

"I didn't mean that the way it came out." I laugh and peck him on the lips. He pulls back just as there is a bright flash of light in the room. We both turn to see a tall woman standing in front of us. I raise a hand to use my powers but the woman lifts her hands in surrender as she speaks.

"Easy Leslie. I am the Goddess of the Moon and I have come to you with a gift for your son." She looks down at my belly as I lower my hand.

"Why?" She laughs as she lowers her hands.

"I am a Goddess and you ask why I am giving you a gift. That is why I have chosen your bloodline to give this gift to." I eye her warily as she looks around the bedroom before looking back to me.

"I have watched you fight gallantly to protect this world from the demons that got loose when your father tried to get you to destroy the world but we both know that you aren't going to be enough and neither are your children. The demons have multiplied and I wish to give your son and any more children you have in the future, the ability to fight them." I rub the hand over my stomach where the son insides me rests. It's a boy and a Goddess wishes to give him a gift. I glance to Luke, who smiles at me. I know he'll go along with whatever I want as long as he's beside me he doesn't care. I look back to the Goddess.

"What kind of powers?" She smiles as if I have amused her.

"He would have the ability to turn into a wolf. He would be a werewolf and he would be able to fight the demons. Already another Goddess has created Vampires to fight them and the Sidhe are around as always. So I chose you the woman who saved the world and one of my Guardian Angels." I roll my eyes as I scrutinize the woman in front of me.

"What's the catch?" She laughs and it sends a shiver down my spine.

"Nothing serious. You create a church for me. Your son and any descended from him will have a soul mate that they can live with for all eternity. Silver hurts them and they can still die but they heal fast. There are currently other Weres being created by different Goddessses. Oh and when you and your husand die I want you to take my place as the Goddess." My jaw drops as I stare at her. Me? A Goddess? Right.

"Um, me?" She laughs and steps forward to grasp my hands as I stiffen.

"You would always be able to watch over your family and they could become Guardians and live with you in Limbo if they wished it. And Luke would be your consort. You will die of old age but you'll die at the same time. I know how much you two have fought for this time on Earth together." Luke snorts at the word 'consort' and I glare at him. He shuts up as I turn back to the Goddess and pull my hands from hers.

"First off where are you going and if I do this can I wait to tell the kids?" She jumps up and down clapping her hands.

"You're going to agree I know it. I want to move on and yes you can wait to tell the kids. We wouldn't want them to get egos." I smile at this as I reach out and grasp Luke's hand.

"I agree." Stepping forward the Goddess steps forward and places a hand on my stomach. There is a bright flash of light then the room goes dark as I pass out.

The Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن