Chapter 16

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I apologize to all my faithful readers... A lot has been going on in my life lately but I need to write for you guys. You all deserve it. (This is like an ending chapter ): but I have my other stories AND plan on doing another Stolen BUT that story chooses another path...)

-Kay POV-

Eyes burn into the back of my head as I sit at a little booth in a café called Mama Mia's. Many people stared me down when I walked through the doors and just plopped down. However, one person just can't look away. He is older looking. Perhaps it's just his long face with it's dark appearance that makes him look so aged, but whatever the case, he gives me the creeps.

I shudder at the thought of his image and just keep my head down low. Avoiding eye contact and hoping the man will quit.

When he doesn't I walk over to the counter to see what he does. His eyes just follow.

"How may I help you?" A worker from the other side asks.

"I was just wondering the time," I answer quickly. He smiles and says,

"It's 5:28," I nod at him and he turns away to help in the back. I head over to my seat not knowing what to do or where to go with this guy watching me so closely. I wonder if he knows I escaped from the hospital? Perhaps he knows about the stolen shoes? I slide my feet out of his view by scooting in a little on the bench.

Almost an hour has passed before the guy finally makes a move. I tense up as he walks past. I think he's going to sit down, but he keeps on walking and is now disappearing into a crowd outside the door. I sigh in relief. I will give it a few more minutes before I find a new place to sit awkwardly at.

I glance over my shoulder over and over as I make my way down the street. Still uneasy about the guy in the café. The sun is slowly starting to drop and I need to find a place to stay. I will surely freeze if I sleep outside. I mean... if I sleep at all. Trying to think I slip into a diner.

I freeze dead in my tracks. My breathing hitches and the little crowd seems to close in on me. Tripping over my feet I find a chair to sit in. I start to tremble and mentally slap myself. I could be over reacting... I mean he was already sitting there when I walked in. I gulp and slowly turn to look back at the man I saw only an hour or two ago. His eyes catch mine and I whip around. I need to find a place to stay to keep out of the cold and away from this man. I have no idea if he is really following me or if I happen to be bumping into him a lot, but I can't take any chances...

Maybe I should just go back to the hospital? I bite my lip as I consider the idea.. However, I quickly brush that thought away. I haven't even been gone one day. I have been through too much for it to be for nothing. I rest my head on my hands as I think of a plan...

The street lamps light up the night as I walk down the side walk. Cars zoom past and create bigger gusts of wind that send chills through my whole body. I glance behind me every so often to make sure that guy isn't following me. A few times I believed he was just steps away, but it was just other men or women scurrying past me trying to reach their destinations. Likely, somewhere out of the freezing weather.

I sit with my back on an alley wall staring at another wall in front of me. I have my knees scrunched up to my chest and my hands squished between them. My eyes are heavy and are slowly closing. I start to doze off but I force myself to keep alert. I just have to keep awake till stores start to open and then, maybe, I can "accidentally" fall asleep in one. I have no idea what time it is though. All I know is the sun hasn't been gone long... Meaning, I have a very long wait ahead of me. I sigh and rest my head on the cold brick wall.

I must have fallen asleep because I am being shaken awake. My eyes pop open and I flare my arms. The person jumps back.

"Calm down Miss," he throws his hands up in surrender. My mouth drops at the figure standing in front of me... The stalker!! I jump to my feet with my back still to the wall. My body is tense and I am ready to run. The sun is climbing it's way into the sky, however it is still quite dark. "I just saw you sleeping and it's kinda cold out here," he waves his hand around him. I just narrow my eyes. "Would you like to come stay with me?" The smile on his face doesn't fool me. In his eyes I see a glint.. A shimmer of hate that dances back and forth. I have no idea why he may feel this way towards me but I'm not about to ask. He obviously senses I'm about to bolt. His thin, but rather long, arm grabs at me. I side step and burst into a run, heading into the street...

My life literally flashes before my eyes as I stiffen ready for impact from the car I just ran in front of... The car's brakes screech as it tries to come to a halt. It swerves and takes a fate much worse.. The vehicle smashes into another that was driving down the other side of the street. People try to avoid the already collided vehicles by turning a little to the side, but they have to head farther to the side to try and not hit me. I look away from the chaos to peer behind me. I try to see if the guy who tried to grab me followed me into the death trap I have created. He did... Determined at latching on to me, he launches at me again. I duck and try run. Another car zooms in front of me while honking it's horn. I trip backwards and fall on my back. Above me stands Mr. Creep. I roll over and pop up. He comes after me again, like before, I dodge him. I attempt to jump over the first vehicles to have an accident but he has me by my damn hair! I cry out in pain as he yanks me back into his chest. I feel pressure from a cold blade against my throat.
A question occurs to me...

"Why not kill me while I was defenseless?" I ask.

"I wanted to kill you in the privacy of my home and away from witnesses," he answers. Makes sense...

"Why me?" I whisper.

"You helped take down one of my biggest trade and sale buildings in my business. Not only that, but you prevented Max's death and had my best associates Lisa and Patrick shot!" He hisses this information in my ear. My heart drops to my feet. That's what I did to deserve this. In fact, I didn't mean for Lisa or Patrick to get shot and I didn't plan on Amanda barging in. A tear trickles down my cheek. I wish for my savior Max to come...

-Max POV-

"Hey Max! Come look at this," I hear Keith yelling. I turn back into his living room to see what he wants. Instantly my eyes are locked on the t.v. screen. Kay is in the middle of smashed cars and trucks. A few fires have started due to all the collisions. However, Kay is not alone. A man has her pulled close to her chest. "The news chick said the guy has a knife to her throat," we both lean in closer.. Oh God.

"It's The Boss," we both whisper simultaneously.

"I'll be damned," Keith scoffs.

"C'mon," I shake his shoulder, "we need to save her." Keith rolls his eyes as he stands up.

"By the time we get there she will be dead," he shrugs like he doesn't care.
I bite my tongue to prevent myself from saying something disrespectful. The last thing I need is to waste time making him angry.

"Then lets not stand here," I just look at him. Again he rolls his eyes. He wraps my arm around his shoulder and pulls me to the door. He grabs some keys off of a shelf and we move out.

As we pull up to the chaotic scene police have finally arrived and are trying to clam the crowd. They have guns trained on The Boss but he refuses to put the knife down. Kay just stands there looking petrified. Her eyes are scanning the crowd.

"Kay!" I try to grab her attention so she knows I am here. I wave my arms around but she just doesn't seem to notice. However, The Boss does see me. He gives a wicked grin. Scared of what he might do I start to run for the middle of the crashed vehicles.

"Max!" I hear Keith yell behind me. Kay locks eyes with me and the fear in her eyes is so intense I feel it too. A cop tries grabbing at my shirt. I shove him as I reach the middle of this mess.

"Let her go!" I holler at The Boss.

"I wouldn't come any closer," he pushes the knife closer to her throat. Kay shrieks. How do I get to Kay? That's when I catch one of the officers at the other side with his gun trained on The Boss. Is he going to pull the trigger? The Boss goes to follow my gaze. A gun goes off and can only be heard by the close bystanders. Question answered... Everything in the world seems to be going slow motion. The Boss's eyes go cold. Not the heartless cold but lifeless cold. Kay's body falls with his. In a panic I race to Kay to make sure she wasn't also shot. She is struggling to get out from underneath him. I push The Boss's dead body off and wrap her in a sweet embrace. Kay squeezes me and I close my eyes. I will never let her go again...

So, the ending of this chapter may be jumbled a little bit but hey it's something.... I will update in the next 2 days. I promise!

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Much Love!<3

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