Chapter 14

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Yay!! I'm done moving I got my wifi so now I can update whenever and hopefully the intervals aren't too long! Sorry of it sucks.. Damn writers block. Well here you go my beloved readers! (:


-Kay POV-

They keep on going and going... They never stop talking. Which doctors are hot? Have you read the new magazine about Kim Kardashian? Can you believe Lindsey Lohan is in rehab again? No I can't freaking believe it! Aren't they suppose to be working? No one should get away with a brake this long!

Finally, finally they stop talking. The brunettes hug and air kiss.

"Love you girl!" She starts to walk my direction. How did I know that would happen? I turn around and scamper towards the locker room. I painfully pull open the door.

"W-whose there?" A squeaky voice questions.

"What was that Mikayla?" her friend asks.

"P-Penny! The d-door just opened and c-closed by itself I h-heard it!" Damn it! I run through the locker rooms to the back corner.

The door creaks again.

"A-are you sure you heard something Mikayla?" The worry obvious in her voice. I hear one gulp. Footsteps are coming from my left so I quick take the right. I run to the end and ever so slowly look around the corner. They are turning to where I just was. I book it for the door and quickly swing it open trying to get out quickly. I sprint down the maze of hallways for the exit. Almost there! A door squeaks and squealing girls are heard behind me. I shake my head and speed up.

I burst into the light... Damn the sun and it's blinding rays! I almost trip over the door frame and have to hop from foot to foot to catch myself. To top it all off the cement is hot! I can almost smell the burning flesh on the bottom of my feet.

Relief washes over me when I reach the much cooler grass. Sticks and pokies stab at my heels like little knives, but I would much rather take that than walking on the cement hot as Hell's floors. I look over my shoulder to make sure no one is following me. Good, coast is clear. I slow as I reach the boarder of the trees. Time to get moving and hopefully find a pair of shoes!

I swerve left, right, then left again. I try to keep my path different in case someone does follow. I want to believe no one will but my parents are more than worried I'm sure.

Now that I think about it, I find it quite odd that my parents have barely crossed my mind. I have been more worried about Max. I feel the shame wash over me. I suppose I'm not the typical kidnapped girl at all. Most are dying to get home and be normal and I am literally running away from safety! Life has never been more confusing but right now I'm completely positive I am doing the right thing. My fairy tale ending will come. I just have to be patient because good things come to those who wait. However, better things come to those who get up and make it happen. Right now I am making it happen.

Lost in my mind I almost don't notice the crunching of other steps. I stop and so does the other set of noises. Fear makes my world start spinning. My heart is pumping so loud it makes my ears hurt. The ball of anxiety in my stomach doubles. The crunching starts up again, but the steps sound louder and faster. I whip around. I keep on twirling but nothing comes out at me. Maybe I just imagined it and I'm over reacting. I bet it's an animal. A little baby bunny so little and fluffy. Thats nothing that can harm me, right? However, baby bunnies don't make that large of a sound...

My heart is in the verge of bursting and I fall on my butt. I place my head in between my knees and squeeze my eyes shut. I rock back and forth practicing my breathing techniques. I find my quiet place and force myself to imagine.

All the noises stop and I am calming. My heart slows to a steady pace and I look up. No one or thing had revealed itself while I had a miniature freak out. It was nothing... This wasn't the first time that this has happened though. A few times when I was younger that little scene occurred and my mom told me it was an anxiety attack. It didn't happen often so I only talked to a counselor like once... Then I quit. I'm glad I went for the one session at least.

Slowly I stand and redirect myself in the way I was heading. I have been walking a good hour but I feel if I don't speed it up I will be pursued and found. I pause once more and look down at my aching, bleeding feet. Ok, first I need shoes, then I can get the heck out of here.

-Max POV-

I can't follow Kay and that's that. I need to though. She can't be out there on her own. She thinks she can survive for awhile and she probably can, but not for as long as she believes. Sitting around on my ass wont get me anywhere and waiting for her to contact me isn't the best idea either. She may get in a sticky situation and not be able to get a hold of me. What can I possibly do though? I could... No that's not a very good idea at all. Well, maybe if I could get a hold of Keith but him and I don't have the best past. I bite my lip and fiddle with the bed sheet. If it will help Kay then I will push the past to the side. I just pray Keith won't be like he use to...

I take a deep breathe and press the call button on my cell phone. On the 5th ring someone answers.

"Hello?" A deep voice questions from the other side.

"Keith?" It sounds like him but I have to make sure.

"Yes... Max?" His voice changes pitches.

"Yes, it's me Keith. Before you hang up let me speak!" I demand through the phone. I already know his finger was already about to click the button.

"Why?!" He growls at me.

"I- I need your help," I close my eyes and can see the smirk on his face. I hear a scoff from the other side.

"I knew you would come crawling back!" He laughs hysterically from the other side. "They always do.." His voice turns hoarse and I feel like I'm going to puke all over the floor. I never wanted that. The mission... The mission made it to where I had to... I had to... I shake the thoughts away and bring myself back to the phone conversation.

"Just help me," I grit through my teeth.

"Fine, but not because you asked nicely. I will because it will torture you," his sarcasm travels through the phone and chokes me. I have nothing to say and he knows this so he goes on.
"Come to my house whenever.. I know you remember where it is," another laugh. Then the phone clicks off. My throat is dry and my stomach clenches. I press the button for the nurse to come in.

"What do you need, Mr.?" The nurse from last time peeps into the door.

"Water please," she nods then disappears. I still feel bad over the whole incident earlier. I trace little pictures on the sheets with my finger while I wait.

A knock on the door and then the nurse comes in.

"Here you go. If you need anything else then press the button," she gives a warm smile and I thank her while smiling back. She turns and leaves as I sip on the water. Time for a great escape.. No where near as "talented" as Kay's however. I smile at the thought of her and it reminds me of how urgent it is for me to get to Keith. I go over to a duffle bag full of clothes they retrieved from my house since my others ones are blood stained. Quickly I throw on my first outfit. Searching through the pockets I find my wallet with my money and slip it in the same place with my phone in. I hobble as quick as I can to the door. The pain in my chest is so extreme it travels all the way to my feet. I need to keep pushing. Not for me but for Kay because I am the reason she is apart of this at all..

A taxi isn't my dream way of getting around but I need something that can get here fast and get me out of here fast. I had I travel through the emergency exits and more than likely one of them sends a signal to the front desk. I try to duck and hide but bending is not my strongest skill at the moment.

It seems like forever has passed by the time the taxi rolls up. I quickly hop in and give the driver my destination. I tell him it's an emergency in hopes he will hurry.

He does put a little pep in his driving and gets me to Summer St. in no time. I pay him and leave a tip. I watch him drive away and fully get out of my range of view before I limp down two more streets and take a left down an ally. This is the back way of Tucker Ave. I walk it all the way down and the big blue house to my right will be where Keith is waiting for me. A chill runs down my spine as memories fill my head. I try pushing them away like I have done for years but the closer I get the more I remember and this time I can't push them into a crevice of my brain.

I knock three times and stand patiently waiting..

"Max," the maid gasps when she sees me. I smile faintly and she comes to my rescue. She slips under one of my arms and guides me to the living room. "Let me go get Mr. Lexton," she scampers off toward the stairs and I close my eyes. This is the last place I ever wanted to visit. As soon as I was able to leave I was never happier.

"Hello," the voice interrupts my thoughts. I open my eyes and there stand the man that destroyed my very soul... "Tsk tsk... All beat up like usual," he shakes his finger at me. His figure is very large, not fat, but muscular. He is gigantic to everyone even me and I am bigger than most average men. His black hair falls freely. The brown eyes that can trap anyone in their gaze peak behind the curtain of bangs. His grey button up hug his arms tightly and compliment the size of them... His dark blue jeans fit perfectly and his DC's are the only thing not formal about him. I take a deep breathe.

"My conditions are unimportant," I mumble. He moves quickly and is in my face in a second. I flinch as his hand reaches up to my chin.

"You may have tried to forget the past, however, I know you remember it and you know my rules," he growls in my face and my heart is about to push out of my chest and run away.

"Never talk back," I whisper and he pats my cheek.

"You were always my number one," he ruffles my hair like when I was a child. More memories that I don't want... "Your face is all red Max. What you thinking about?" He smirks and I grit my teeth.

"Rot in hell," I hiss at him. His face turns dark and it's a reaction I have seen before. He wouldn't... would he?

"This is why they should have left you in my care! You were much more respectful, or maybe now you just have back bone?" He smirks.

"Perhaps I'm not a child anymore and you have no control," I wave my hand for emphasis. His face turns a bright cherry red. I think he would...

"Rotten little child!" he bellows at me. I scoff at him.

"18 is not a child and 26 isn't much older," I fight back with him. He has completely lost it. He storms over to me and I fear what is going to happen next. He takes me by the hair and practically drags me to the stairs. My chest is searing with pain and I know I won't be awake much longer. Obviously Keith notices because he switches from my hair to my arm around his neck. He can't have me passed out through my punishment can he? Keith pulls me up the stairs no problem and he takes the first door on the right. "The Playroom." The name makes me cringe and hurts more that the pain in my chest.

"Sick freak," I sputter out. He just grins and hooks me up to chains from the ceiling. Clicking the cuffs he leaves me to tangle. I know exactly what he is doing, and that's to go get a whip. My heart drops to my feet.

"You know what to do," he sings from behind me. I hear the whip unravel and hit the floor. Not long after the whip is flying through the air and making contact with my back. I grit my teeth and tense up.

"One!" I shout. 2 more hits, 2 more counts, and tears are about to spill over my eyes.

"Good little Max. All grown up you said? I think not," he comes over and lightly rubs my back to "soothe" the pain. He unhooks my hands and fall into his arms. I try to stand on my own but it is impossible... The pain is unbearable and I wish I was dead. Keith grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. He leans down and kisses me. About to puke, I use all the strength I have to push him off.

"Fucking disgusting!" I holler.

"You know you liked it. Just like you use to," he spits and drags me through the hallways to another room. Tripping over my own feet I almost eat it when he pushes me towards the bed. "We will talk later," he slams the door and I hear a click. I look around and notice it is my old one... Nothing has changed. Not this room, not him, not one thing in this house.

I regret ever even calling him... I hate him for ruining my life... It is so hard to forget when you are forced to remember. I close my eyes and let some tears escape as I lay here like I use too. All battered and defeated with no hope. I'm such a pansy ass! I think of how the only difference now is I have Kay. I need to stay strong for her and get through this.

"I promise Kay I will find you," I whisper to the pillow wishing she could actually hear me.


Oh-mer-what?! Poor Max has been through soo much more than you could imagine! Porque?!

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Much love!<3

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