Chapter Eleven: It pays to be prepared

Start from the beginning

"I thought as much," Tadashi said as he let out his held breath with a heavy sigh. He stepped forward, glancing back at Baymax. "Suggested treatments?"

Baymax blinked as if he were thinking for a moment. "I suggest disinfecting all abrasions, then applying an antibacterial spray before covering with suitable bandages."

Hiro gave a half glare at Tadashi's direction. "You could have warned me," he protested, though he rather suspected the rib injuries after all of the evidence had manifested. All the same, it was good to know, though he wasn't sure how he'd conceal that from his aunt when push came to shove.

"I also recommend ingesting some form of painkiller to manage the pain," Baymax finished, one hand in the air, finger pointing up as he made his point.

Tadashi gave his brother a knowing look. "See? Now if you'd just stop being such a big baby, I can finish cleaning out those cuts and scrapes and we can get you bandaged up."

Hiro looked around, realizing he'd never really thought much about what was in his brother's lab. They'd cleared it out after his death, the first time, so he wasn't entirely sure what all was in there. He hadn't, understandably, been there the first go around. "Clean me up with what, exactly?"

Not to be deterred, Tadashi moved over to the desk and pulled out a first aid kit. "With this, bonehead," he replied, opening the good-sized container. Just like the one back home, this one was as well stocked, if not better so, than a paramedic's bag. "It pays to be prepared and I knew I'd need this one day."

Hiro resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Surely his brother didn't intend to clean him up in the middle of his robotics lab when just about anyone could come crashing in. Well, okay, not just anyone. The door was key-coded from the outside. You had to have a card to get in. But that didn't totally negate the possibility of someone coming in at the least convenient moment.

Tadashi moved back to Hiro's side. "Okay, little bro, hands up so I can take off your shirt. I can't see what I'm doing if you're wearing it."

"Would you like some assistance?" Baymax inquired as he watched the older Hamada help his brother out of his red t-shirt, followed by his white undershirt, revealing all his injuries in full Technicolor. And they were just as pretty as advertised.

Smiling at his creation, Tadashi nodded. "Many hands make light work," he said as he held out a hand for Baymax to proceed.

"This isn't going to hurt is it?" The last word came out as more of a yelp as the robot applied a disinfecting spray to Hiro's back. He bit back a scream as he almost jumped out of his chair. "Son of a-" he cut off whatever else he was going to say at an admonishing look from Tadashi.

Moving back to the med kit, Tadashi pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on. "Baymax, would you mind holding Hiro so he can't bolt while I clean the grit out of those cuts?" He pulled out more antiseptic and a box of cotton swabs.

Hiro had to look over his shoulder to see what Tadashi was doing as his swivel stool had moved so he was facing the door. "What are you doing?" he asked a bit nervously as Baymax moved to face him, placing firm vinyl hands on his shoulders.

"The patient has been secured. Please begin treatment," Baymax announced as he seemed to look into Hiro's eyes. "I would ask that you please try to remain still and relax while the treatment is administered."

Tadashi moved back over with a dripping cotton swab. "Now, remember, you only have yourself to blame for this," he told Hiro as he prepared to clean his brother's wounds. "If you'd just agreed to go to the hospital, they could have used some kind of local anesthetic so you wouldn't feel this. As things stand, I'm sorry in advance for this."

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