Chapter One: The Beginning (COMPLETED REVISION)

Start from the beginning

I hesitated as Aria flashed across my mind. It had been awhile since Maddie had mentioned her.

"I have to work tomorrow pumpkin. Maybe another day." Guilt swam over me as I thought about my former best friend. I wanted to talk to her, but I'm sure she still wants nothing to do with me.

She nodded and closed her eyes, and a few seconds later, she was fast asleep. I climbed into bed and reached over to click my lamp off. I stared into the darkness that absorbed my ceiling, trying to block out the expected moans emitting from down the hall. Or more like shrieks.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to block them out and go to sleep, but my body was still wound up and alert from tonight's earlier activities. My thoughts drifted to a place that wasn't here, and the illusions helped to force my reality to the back of my mind. I was seemingly lost on a beach, the sun bright and brilliantly shining across the turquoise water. The sand was soft, yet rough between my toes, and the salty breeze kissed my skin. I stood up, my naked body glowing from lying beneath the sun, and made my way to the water. My toes sunk into the sand with each step. When I finally reached the water, my skin sighed of relief from the coolness. I kept going deeper as the water licked at my calves, my thighs, and kissed the tender spot between my legs. I released a moan, the coolness washing over the tender flesh. I continued deeper, my fingertips grazing the water as it enveloped my rounded hips, my slender stomach and until my heavy breasts were fully covered, my nipples hardening from the cold caresses. I felt weightless, my senses heightened from the hot and cold endurances. I was surrounded by blue, as the sky met the horizon, and it seemed endless. I wanted to explore it. I took another step, and I was suddenly swallowed by the ocean, my weight suddenly and impossibly returning as I fell into the black trenches below.

I jerked awake, sweat covering my torso and I could feel my hair sticking to my face. I looked over at my sleeping little sister, her even breaths the only sound I could hear. The music and moans had finally stopped. I looked at the clock on my bedside and it read 3:27 AM.

I sighed. I had only fallen asleep for about forty minutes and I had to be at the set in five hours.

I flipped over and saw the moon in the window, bleaching everything white. Making everything pure and safe.

Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep...

"Sophia, turn off your alarm!" Maddie groaned.

The grogginess was thick but it slowly wore off as the beeping registered in my brain. I slammed my fist and it stopped. Sitting up, I and saw the sliver of light just breaking over the horizon. Geez, I felt as if I had just fallen asleep a few seconds ago, but I better get moving if I don't want to be late.

Showering quickly, I slipped on some black short shorts, a deep blue tank with a white woven cardigan and my black canvas shoes.

I left my hair wet to dry wavy. I kissed Maddie and slipped her a twenty dollar bill beneath her pillow to get her some breakfast and lunch until I came back. I checked in Justin's room and saw he was still gone. I haven't seen my brother in a week. I'm not worried too much just yet though. I didn't bother to tiptoe through the house, knowing that Steve and Mom were dead to the world. I stepped out the front door, making sure to lock it. My beige 1993 Camry sat on the street, looking lonely. I can drive today now that I have gas money. I hated having to take risky bus rides to my side of town in the middle of the night. But I make sacrifices so that I can save money to get the hell out of here. I've only been working in my line of business for about eight months. I used to be a struggling bartender at a titty bar, but I needed more money and fast. The pay was ten times better, seeing that I get about three grand a gig. I've done eight so far, and I get almost two grand after giving my "manager" his forty percent cut.

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