It was 7pm and the library was closing soon. Yes I am still on campus. Yi Eun was still doing research, typing up a paper I guess.

The reasons as to why I didn't go home is simple:

1) Yi Eun was my only ride back.

2) Yi Eun is basically the only person I knew here. Wait let me rephrase that, the only person that I found comfortable hanging around.

3)There was nothing to do at home with Yi Eun not around.

So yeah, in conclusion, I am such a loner.

But hanging around in the library wasn't that bad either. I loved reading. In fact, I love books. I like how they feel, how they smell. So here was I, snogging my nose at one random book I found at the shelf. It had been pretty entertaining, bringing me out from reality for a few hours.

"I had finally found you. Are you ready to go home?" I glanced up at that familiar voice and beamed. Yi Eun was here. I nodded my head gingerly as I got up from the floor and placed the book back onto the shelf. I patted the dust off my pants and grabbed my bag.

"Why were you sitting on the ground when there are so many empty seats?" Yi Eun asked as we made our way out from the fiction section," It was crowded before. Damn, why are there so little seats in the library?"

"Beats me." He shrug his shoulder as he got into the elevator. I followed suit and hopped happily into it,"How did you-"

The elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out.

"What just happened?" I asked, my voice up a pitch. I couldn't see anything. I could feel my breath starting to get shorter and my palms getting sweaty. It had only been seconds and I was reacting like this already. I stretched out, reaching for the nearest wall for support and crawled down. I closed my eyes and began to take deep breaths, trying to stop the impending panic attack.

If it was one thing that I couldn't stand, it was the dark. Like total darkness in an enclosed area. That was the epidome
of my fear.And that was where I was right now. I don't really recall the reason why I was afraid of the dark, especially in small, enclosed areas but I had heard from my parents that I had once got lost in the forest at night. I had fell into a small pit during that time. Maybe that had been the cause of this phobia.

Over the years, I had managed to counter most of my phobia, but right now, this situation, really isn't something that I can just get over. I bit my lip, trying my best to imagine that I was outside right now, right under the sun, where everything was fine.

No, I am at the beach right now.

"I think it was the power outage. It happens all the time. I hope it will come back fast. Hae Ri, are you alright?" Yi Eun's voice brought me back to reality, making the fright come back.

"Hae Ri?" I felt Yi Eun's palms on my shoulder, the warmth calming my racing heart a little bit. I could feel the cold sweat that starting to drip from my forehead. I was even shaking a little bit already.

"Hae Ri?" Yi Eun's voice sounded worried.

I could hear the operation of the elevator and the movement of it," The power is back up."

I opened my eyes, relieved to see that the lights were back on. I let out a breath and all of the anxiousness was gone. I sat down onto the ground and laid my head against the wall of the elevator, feeling fatigue from this mini panic attack.

I opened my eyes again to see Yi Eun looking at me, worried. The door of the elevator opened, with the staff at the door. I tried to get up, but my legs were jelly from the position I had been. Yi Eun lent me a hand which I took thankfully.

Intersect. (Arranged Marriage)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon