Step Eighteen: Meet My Mom

Start from the beginning

"Oh I'm so sorry," Adri smirked wickedly, "I guess you'll have to go home then."

I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth, "you wish."

"Oh, I do wish," she retorted.

Her mother drew a shocked, raspy breath, "Adrienne, is that how we treat guests?"

I saw Adri stiffen in anger, "I never invited him!"

"Well that's your loss, since he's a charming, handsome young man."

I felt a small smile work it's way on my face as Adri threw her arms in the air and walked out of the room. Her mother called after her, reminding her to clean upstairs. I sat back down whilst Mrs Waker apologized profusely. I waved off her apologies, as I knew it wasn't her fault that Adri's judgement was clouded by her hatred of the human species.

"I actually was looking forward to meeting you," her mother began quietly, looking at her bony hands, "you see, I have a favour to ask."

"Of course," I said readily; who was I to deny the dying wish of a woman?

"I have a nurse who takes care of me during the day, and Adri does it at night because our funds are so limited. I also have a nephew who visits us a lot, but you see, he's a young man with a young family. He can't afford to look after Adrienne, he's too busy with his own newborns."

I waited for her to finish, wondering what she was going to ask. Did she want me to visit more often? I certainly intended to come more often, so I could help Adri and her mom out. They obviously needed as much aid as they could get.

"Adrienne looks after me. But I stopped being able to look after her, a long time ago. Someone needs to take care of her, Elijah," Mrs Walker whispered to me, tears shining brightly in her eyes.

"I swear to you," I said, clasping her thin hands within my own, "I will do everything to keep her safe."


I spent the rest of the afternoon with Carl and some of the guys. We played football, and it helped let me get out some of my pent up worry and aggression. I scored a few touchdowns which I was very proud of; after all I was a British footie kind of guy. Carl seemed to be be pleased with me as well.

After we grabbed a pizza and we watched an action movie at the cinema. It was a guys night and it was actually white fun. It was good to have something to balance out the depressing meeting with Adri's mom and the ability to do something guyish, immature with the rest of my mates.

We joked about Ingrid and Carl, who actually seemed to be getting serious with one another. I noticed that he turned a little red when we mentioned it. He actually liked the crazy chick. Well, she was pretty hot in some aspects.

Everyone else joked about Naomi and I; Adri a forbidden topic which cast an awkward air whenever her name was mentioned. It annoyed me she was such a taboo, that people deliberately stayed away from as if she carried the plague. I didn't feel like starting a fight, so I let the topic rest.


When I came home, Brandi told me that there was a girl waiting for me in my room. My heart thudded a little faster as I realized it was probably Adri. I ran up the stairs to my room, ignoring Joy in my haste to get there.

I flung open my door and saw, with a sinking heart, Naomi sitting on my bed. She was texting and taking selfies. Sighing, I signaled my prescense. Naomi turned round and smiled brightly at me.

"How are you?" She demanded, jumping up to seize me in one of her big hugs.

"Uh... Fine. What're you doing here?" I asked, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Talking to you!" She giggled, elbowing me.

I raised my eyebrows and sat down. I really didn't understand Naomi, one second she was cool, the next second she was desperate for my affections. I looked at my watch and waited for her to tell me what was really up.

Nervously she sat down next to me, sitting down on her hands.

"I thought... We could hang out. You know, since we did hookup."

I bit my lip; the things anger fueled you to do never failed to astound me. Naomi was pretty and she was a good friend, but I didn't feel anything for her. It was just a... Mistake.

"I thought you liked me," she said.

I shrugged and she looked so hurt, it was almost as if I had slapped her. I scratched the back of my head, feeling very guilty. I did like Naomi, just not the way she wanted me to like her. I didn't want to tell her that it was because of Adri, that my head and heart were too full of her to even consider anyone else.

The phone rang and I snatched it up.

"Elijah," came a cool, aloof voice.

"Mom," I breathed, surprised.

"You wouldn't have heard from Gus recently?"

"Uh no... But mom I just really wanted to apologize again and tell you that I've been working really hard -"

"Ugh, Elijah, save your breath," my mother interrupted, cutting me off harshly.

"Mom, please, I swear I am," I pleaded, pressing the phone tighter against my ear.

She had to listen, she had to. I just wanted to make it up to her. I wanted to make my mom proud.

"Elijah Henry Singer, you've done nothing but disappoint since you've hit puberty and fail to see how you suddenly changed your act."

"I'm not a disappointment!" I shouted.

She hung up. I took a deep breath, rubbing my face with my hand. Then it dawned on me that Naomi had heard everything I had just said. I spun round and crossed my arms. I was filled with defense.

"So this is why you act like such a dick? Because your mom doesn't love you?"

"Get out!" I shouted.

She left, but the damage had been done. It was true; I was a disappointment and my mom didn't love me. I sighed, my chest constricted. I took three deep breaths and tried to calm down.

The only thing I do was to keep trying to make my mom proud, and keep my promise to Adri's mom.


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