Chapter Two

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The Octonauts had been called into the Launch Bay when the Captain had safely landed the ship and the strong ocean currents had passed. Tweak was tapping on various screens and computers, looking worried.

"Do you know what's wrong, Tweak?"

Tweak turned to face him.

"Yes, the Octopod is getting a bit rusty and the parts have been battered around a bit. I just need to fix it up then the Octopod can get going again!"

The Captain smiled gratefully at Tweak.

"Thanks Tweak. Shellington, Kwazii, Peso and Dashi, let's go and check if the reef is all right. it got battered by the storm too." the Octonauts nodded and swam out of the Octo-Hatch while Tweak fetched her tools and got to work, going out in the Gup D to attach the pod arm.

"Jumping jellyfish! There are boulders scattered over the reef!" Shellington cried. The Captain looked grave.

"We'll have to move them to free the sea snails and fish. Octonauts, let's do this." The five Octonauts started lifting small rocks and piling them up away from the reef. The Captain saw that Dashi was struggling with a large one, and swam over to help her.

"Allow me." He managed to lift the heavy boulder up and carried it away to the pile. Dashi blinked and smiled in gratitude.

At last all the smaller rocks were off the reef. But even the Captains polar bear strength couldn't budge the large boulders trapping the fish in a cavity.

"Please help us! Vie are very frightened! This rock could slip any moment!" A fish cried in terror. The Captain looked grim, looking at the many large rocks all over the reef trapping many scared animals.

"We'll have to bring in the Gup D." He contacted Tweak on his Octo Compass.

"Tweak, we have a situation involving large rocks and frightened fish. Bring the Gup D."

"Right away Cap." Tweak stopped screwing the pod arm into place and zipped off through the water in the Gup D. Would she be in time?

A few minutes later Tweak arrived in the Gup D.

"What do you need Cap?"

"These rocks are trapping these animals. We have to get the rock off them before it dislodges and falls on them."

"I'm on it Cap!" Tweak got a grip on the rock which was down in a small trench. She pulled at it but couldn't get it out.

She changed plans, attaching one of the arms with the drill on to the wall so she was secure, then pulled again at the rock with the pincer arm. She knew there was one way to get the rock out safely. She clicked the button to engage the drill lodged in the rock. it started to spin, and Tweak knew it was only a matter of time before...

"Whoa!" The Gup D started to spin round and round, faster and faster; the pincer still had a grip on the rock and as the Gup D spun the rock came loose still in the Gup D's grasp. The fish were free! Tweak was still being spun in the Gup D over and over untIl the drill came loose in the wall and the Gup spiralled away through the water for the second time that day. The Octonauts swum quickly after it to find the Gup stuck upside down in some seaweed with Tweak looking dazed once again.

"Tweak are you all right?" called Barnacles worriedly.

"Oh me, oh my... Give me a sec so the world stops spinning..." Tweak got her bearings and tried to open the windscreen but couldn't. It was stuck.

"Uh Cap, the windscreen won't open I'm stuck in here."

" Octonauts, let's get her out of there." The Captain eventually managed to roll over the Gup with some help so that Tweak could get out. They drove back to the Octopod, Tweak a hero once again.

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