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I’m sorry that this is an update on my life/progress and not my book. I haven’t forgot about it, I’ve just been really busy. College is nuts, especially with marching band taking up all of my free time. I hit some writer’s block a while back, but I was recently procrastinating for finals and started editing what I have written so far. My writer’s block has been lifted and I’m finally back on track! I have a month off for winter break, so expect a couple chapters:) I am so excited to be writing again and thank you to everyone reading. It means a lot to me if you have read everything I have put up so far and I hope you will continue to read!


Hannah Rose

P.S. I now have two tortoises and a gecko. Baby snake coming soon. Don't tell housing... #zoologymajorlyfe

Breaking PointeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora