Chapter Four

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They next day, Arabella yawned as she grabbed her math book. She had stayed out longer than she meant to with Maddock so she had to stay up and finish her homework. She shut her locker and someone tapped her shoulder. 

“Can I take that for you ma’am?” he asked and motioned at her book. She was surprised to see country boy standing in front of her. Arabella just stared at him while he took her book out of her hands, “Where to?”

“Um, this way” she said and started walking down the hall.

“So, Ella, I still haven’t introduced myself have I?” Ella. Like ArabELLA. Like CinderELLA. It was completely cheesy, but she couldn’t help but smile as she shook her head.

“Well I could tell you... but that almost seems too easy.”

“What are you going to do? Make me guess?”

“Yes ma’am” he grinned, “And for every wrong guess I get to ask you a question.”

“You’ve thought this out, haven’t you?“ Arabella asked apprehensively. “A question about what?” 

“Well anything I’d like.”

Bad idea. Baaaad idea.. Why did he even want to get to know her so badly? She really didn‘t think she was that interesting. He couldn’t like her already, could he? They just met! No boys allowed! No. I’ll just say no now and he’ll go away. Wait, but then he would go away, she frowned.

“Ella?” he asked with a hopeful expression and her resolve was gone. 

“Alright, alright” she sighed as they approached her class. He handed her book back and winked.

Oh no.

After class he met up with her at her locker again. He looked like a freaking model leaning against the lockers like that. Arabella took a second to look at him. Hot. He caught her checking him out and winked. She blushed to her roots but he just kept smiling and even took a step closer.

“So what’s your first guess?” he asked, leaning in. he smelled wonderful, again just a little bit like cinnamon.  She forgot to breathe.

“You know, I don’t think this is fair. You get to ask all these questions, but all I get to know is your name? Actually, what it isn‘t.” She was babbling. He seemed to notice she was uncomfortable and gave her a little space.

“Darlin’ you can ask me anything you’d like. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

“What’s your name?”

“Except that,” he smiled. Arabella rolled her eyes and shut her locker but she smiled as she started off to her next class. She had to admit he was funny. He took her books and looked at her expectantly.

“Billy Bob Joe,” she guessed sarcastically and he laughed out loud. Some people turned around to look and did a double take when they saw Arabella talking to a boy. Or probably really anyone at school. Oh well.

“Wrong!” he said and she braced herself for whatever this boy was going to come up with. She just knew it was going to be something personal and awkward. What if she didn’t know the answer?

“What is your favorite color?” 

That’s all he wants to know? That’s what I was getting all worked up about? Jeez Arabella. Lilac” she answered and he nodded.

“Hank” she sarcastically guessed again. There was no way she was going to pick a random name and get it right, so she just gave up and guessed stupid stereotypical country names.

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