Chapter28:Tell me whats wrong

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I woke up with a huge migraine pounding and the bright lights blinding my vision. I made a loud groan then falling on the floor with a loud thump that must been heard from the people beneath us. "Are you okay Amica mea?" I mumbled a yes into the carpet feeling a bit lazy. I felt my self being scooped up in big arms and straddled back in the bed. "Here take this." I took the two pills and grab the orange juice taking it into my mouth. "Sorry.. about last night.." he sigh shaking his head. "No it's my fault. I've should've stayed and kept the liquor hidden." I didn't have any response for it. I felt myself tearing up feeling every emotion I had inside start to come out. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying? Is it my fault?" He hugged me tightly rubbing my back as I calmed down. "I'm just tired Jonah. The lies-" he cut me off by turning me towards him. "I'm sorry I lied to you about my wife. I didn't want you to think that horrid as you already did. I was just filled with hate what she did to my child. When I saw the look in your eyes it made me wanna die. I didn't want you to fear me...I want to make you happy El." I smiled feeling my heart thump rapidly as this lovely scarred man poured his heart out to me as I did with him. I bring his face close giving the passionate reassuring kiss. "I would never think badly of you nor I would fear you. I understand your pain. Someone took something so dear to you.." he smiled getting up and it his hand out for mine. "Where are you taking me?" He kept his smile to his face guiding me to the kitchen. "First we are going to eat then we are going to have a fun day." I felt my smile became more cheeky then it already was. Joining the twins and Jonah at the table I felt Casey glare at me wondering what's his problem. Before I can even ask he spoke up. "I despise you.." he hissed finishing his breakfast. Jonah shook his head and just fed me like a baby even though I can do it myself but didn't arugula against him.

Loving My enemyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora