Chapter11:Dad? /Bullets

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After that kiss, Eloisa stop talking to me. She ignores me unless we talk about business. That moment between us was perfect. I still doesn't know what about her that make me so attracted to her like the moth with flame. "Dude, what is up with you guys?" "Yea you guys haven't even talk since. Did something happen!?" Damn can they ever not get so loud? "No." I lied but I knew they can see through me. "Liar. Did you guy kissed?" I tensed up not answering Casey question. "Ah! You guys did!" I rolled my eyes  going to the door after hearing the bell ring. I open it up looking down at the tall but short, gray hair, muscle man that had a snake tattoo. "Who are you?" I look up to this man noticing who he is. Donavan. Instead of answering his question I called down Eloisa. "What is it Jon-" she stop talking at became nervous. Why was she so nervous? "Dad? Uh what you doing here?"

Eloisa ~
I became eagerly nervous! My dad is here while Jonah is here! He cannot know what's going on!! Oh god what am I going to do? "I came to see my daughter, I haven't seen you in days but now I see why." My eyes became large at his accusations. "Oh no- were not-uh were not together. He just my hired help!" I though of it quickly. "Oh okay well then it's nice to meet you." I look over at Jonah as he glared down at my father just walking away. What is his problem? "Well, anyway I just came to check up on you my darling. I will  see you soon?" I nod and kiss his cheek waving good bye. I shut the door locking it behind then turning around looking at a mad Jonah. "Hired help huh?" I rolled my eyes walking past him but he grab my arm lightly pushing me into the wall. "One, I'm never to be called hired help baby girl. Two, stop ignoring me cause eventually you won't ignore me any longer." He said near my ear sending me shivers all over my body. "Uhm." We look over at the twin moving away from each other.  "Well you love birds-" we were cut of by a loud noise and glass breaking coming in the house. I look over at Jonah  seeing  him bleeding from the arm. Everything was going so slow, seeing blood pouring from his arm made me scream loud. Next thing I know I was being pushed to the ground and covered as bullets began shooting into my home. Few minutes later it stop. I look up staring Jonah in his worry eyes but searching him for any more wounds. "El! Are you okay!?" I pointed at his arm then taking off my shirt wrapping  my shirt on his arms.   "Come on." I got up but I felt drowsy and light headed. My vision became blurry I held onto Jonah tight before falling into complete darkness...


Question1: For Jonah and Eloisa, how old are you?

Eloisa: I am twenty seven.
Jonah: I just turned thirty. *chuckles*

Question2: When will you guys ever date?
Eloisa: Never.
Jonah: she will give into me.

Question3:  This is for the twins, Do you guys have girlfriends or single?
Castavo: No I don't nether does Casey.
Casey : Nope.

Question 4:Another for the twins, Do you guys do anything together? Share women?
Casey: As a matter of fact we do, we're into that life style.

Question5: For Jonah, will you ever give up on Eloisa? If she rejects you.

Jonah~ No, I won't even if she do I will try over and over and over. No matter how much it takes.

Loving My enemyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن