Chapter 8: Who's She?

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                I had a bad dream of the crash and shot up, forgetting i got hurt, and hurt myself again, Nate sat up and said ''Hey, just saying don't set up that fast, what's wrong?'' I said holding my side '' I just had a bad dream, i'm okay.'' He said ''Okay, well can you move you ring finger, and pinky yet?'' I said ''No, and what if i never can again?''

               He said ''Trust me, you will be able  to, soon.'' I nodded and we go up and made food, and Tare came out and said ''Hey what's up.'' I said ''Well the Sky looks up.'' She laughed and said ''Well sense we are moving today, can i stay home?'' I laughed and said ''No. GO get you stuff, and Nate can drive you.'' 

              She nodded and Went to get her stuff. Nate came to me and said '' So you have to get your hand looked at who knows it may be good news.'' I said ''Yea lets hope.'' he took Tare to school, and i went to my appointment, and the doctor said ''Good, and bad news, witch would you like to hear first?''

                I said ''Bad, so i leave on a good point.'' He smiled and said ''Okay, well the bad news is, 2 more weeks, keep your hand raped up. Good news, You will be able you play like you did before the crash.'' I smiled and said '' That is the one thing i was scared of, thank the good lord.'' He laughed and said ''So, did they find the person who did it?'' 

               I said ''I will find out later, i am going into be question so.'' He said grabbing a needle '' So you get hurt, and then get questioned, that makes no sense.'' I nodded and said ''Yea, but this is the least i'm worried about.'' He said ''Well what are you worried about, if not this?'' I said ''My dad, finding where i am.''

               He said '' Well why is that?'' I said ''He is well how do i put this, Crazy.'' We laughed. When i was done i walked out, and  what looked to be 6 year old girl said ''Hey.'' I said ''Um, hi,where's your mommy and daddy?'' She said ''That's why i'm here.'' I said ''Um, what?'' She said '' I'm an orphan, and i am looking for my mommy and daddy.'' 

               So i said ''Oh, so she is in the building, you think?'' She said ''No, after doing some research i found that i am your niece.'' I said ''What how, how do you know?'' She said ''looked up my dads name, and your name and YouTube channel popped up, and when i looked up his Facebook it showed you are his sister.'' 

                I said ''Well i have a step brother, who has no relation, and a real brother who past away, 8 years ago so i don't really know.'' She said ''Well i was told though note when i was left, his name was Tommy, do you know a Tommy?'' I looked down and said ''He, is the one that past away, 8 years ago, but i do know your mom.'' 

               She said ''Oh, well by chance can you take me to her.'' I said ''Well i did just fine out i can drive again, so what the hell, lets go.'' She got in my car, and i said ''So where is the proof, i  am your aunt?'' She gave me a paper, in Tommys' hand writing the day before he past 


         Hey girly, i am telling you, this because i don't know if i will be able to come back for you, i got sick, and it dose not look good. So if i don't come back for you on your 4th birthday, go looking for you mother, or Ski Brooks, i trust her with all my life, she is my sister, and your Aunt. But if you don't find her, because she is off the grid a lot of the time, look for Tarence Brooks,

          She is my other sister, and i am sure she will know where Ski is, they are like glue to the paper stuck together. They can help you find your mother, i trust them, and so can you. I don't know where they will be when you get this, but still be that go-get-it girl i know. 

                               Love, your dad

                                       Tommy Brooks



                I said '' wow, that is his writing, and his name.'' She said '' Are you okay, aunt Ski?''I said ''Um Yea, yea i am good, but lets get you to your mom'' She smiled and looked out the window.  



                We got to her house and she answered, and said ''Um, Ski? What have you been up to?'' I said ''Um, nothing much, just recovering from a crash, and bringing you this little angle.'' She stopped, and looked at this little girl, and said ''Lexi, how, h-how did you find me?'' she said ''I looked up Daddys name, and Ski's channel, pop up.''

                 She smiled, and hugged i guess Lexi, and she said ''I have been wanting to come, and find you, I wish i came to get you, when i got the news.'' Lexi said ''I was waiting, but no one came so i gave up on the waiting part.'' Her mom said '' Where are you staying, i will come a get you tomorrow.'' 

                  She said ''The one down the street, and to the right.'' Her mom said ''Okay, 4 o'clock and i will come, and get you.'' Lexi said okay, and i drove her down the street and let her out, and she went to the right and was gone, and i thought, about how much she looked like Tommy, and i just missed him more.

                    I was thinking what she would be like, and what Tommy would look like, if he was still around, if he was still around, the truth is we never thew if he passed away or if he is just hiding, or what happened, because no one said the saw him, pass, so we thought he was gone. 


                    I got up and thought i would go to see Lexi go home, but when i got there she was still there, sad, at 4:30 with a suitcase, and said '' She's not coming.'' I walked up to her and said '' I'll be back, give me 5 mins.'' She nodded and i went to her moms house, and knocked. She answered, in a rush  and said  '' i need to go, so make it quick.'' 

                   I said ''Laya, your leaving her? Just like that.'' She said ''I am unable to care for myself, let alone her, and kid.'' I said '' Yea that's what everyone is saying about me, looking after Tare, i am in a war with my mother, for her, and i'm not giving up.'' She said 


L- That's not the same, Tare is you sister, this is my daughter.

S- Well, if you knew you were unable you care for a kid, then why did you and Tommy have ''Fun''.

L- Well, we could then, and now it's not the same, Okay, i need Tommy.

S- Laya, sit. I thought to for years, and even when my dad ,kicked me out, i thought i needed Tommy, but guess what.

L- What?

S- I didn't, i have done great with Tare some fare, and Lexi will be a lot better with her mom. Tommy, Tare, and my mother left and see where that got her. Tare and me, my mom and i are in a fight, to keep Tare.

L-So what are you saying?

S- I'm saying, fear is only a reason to try hared, i know what love is, and i know you love Lexi, and you wont her, here not with some crazy ass family, like mine, I mean i did turn Tare into a smart ass, but Lexi, is already one so she'll do great. She's a keeper.

L- Okay, i'll got get her, lets go get mine baby.

S- Yea! Hey Laya!

L- Yea!?

S- Give me mine 20 bucks you toke from my pocked, after that huge.

L- Damn.

(1382 words)   

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