Chapter 4:We Can Get Though This

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           She said ''What?'' I said ''We can take Tarence to work with us, that convention thing, in 2 weeks.'' She said ''That would be cool, I mean me and her have not had the best of luck.'' I smiled and sat down beside her, and she said ''What happens when i need to give her to mom, what if mom dose not take her?''

             I said ''Well maybe go talk to her.'' She turned around and said ''No, no,No i can't talk to her, she..'' Ski stopped and i said ''She what?''She look down witch i was confused why she did, like something what on her hand, or something, She looked up and said ''Mom left she was not kicked out, she left both me and Tare to die.''

                After she said that she ran to the bathroom, and locked the door. Tarence came out of her room and said ''What door was just slammed?'' I said ''Ski said your mother left, and ran in there.'' Tarence said ''No,No, NO!'' I said ''What?'' She pulled out her phone and said ''She is someone who...'' 

               '' Who what?''I said with a little anger ''She  used to cut, but i don't know if she still dose.''I started hitting the door, and Tarence said ''No, No,i have a plan.'' 


               After i told Nate Me and Tare's Mom left, i ran to the bathroom, and locked myself in, then Then the people in my head said ''Do it, There is something sharp here.'', '' You did it before, come on.''  ''You have no right to tell Tare not to do what you did.'' I I did not listen to them, was it easy no, but did i really won't to do what they were saying, no. 

                After two hours I heard a knock at the door and a ''Hey where is she.'' and Tare say ''Bathroom, Thanks for coming out here.'' And the other person said ''No problem.'' I was sitting by the door, when someone said ''Hey Ski, it's me Alyssa.'' I was going to say something, but didn't .'' 

                  She said ''I know you will not talk, but knock on the door once for yes and two times for no.'' She said ''Did you listen to them.'' I knock Two times. She said ''Good, can you come out?'' I Knocked two times. She said ''Okay, did you go in there, because you were sad?'' I knocked two times. 

                    She said '' Um mad?'' I knocked Once. She said '' Okay, Nate what did she say to you?'' He said ''She said her mom left, her and Tare at that house, when they were younger, and she ran in there.'' She said ''She wont to hear you, go on tell her what you think.'' He came to the door and said ''Ski, i don't know  who you were in your past,but i like who you became.''

                  He continued '' You went to find your sister, you won't the best for her, and you make people laugh like it's no one's business, Ski, your mom left you, But you never left Tare, and your dad hated you, wonted you gone, and you are nothing like him. I know you, and you only. So just know your past is the past, your present is your present.''

                I unlocked the door, and said ''Only Alyssa.'' She came in and locked the door. SHe said ''Why did you run when you told him?'' I said ''I didn't know what he would think.'' She said ''Ski i know you have a hard time trusting, but Nate is one you can trust, You trust me.'' I said '' Well i have known you sense  6th grade, of course i trust you.''

                 She said ''Well trust Nate, he said he like you now not you then.'' I nodded and Alyssa helped me up. We went out, and I gave Nate a hug, and said in his ear, ''Your not like the others, I know that now.'' He said ''I like you.'' I said ''I do too.''



                    After 2 days ago i started to work on a new song so i made a new video. (PLEASE KNOW THIS IS NOT HER SONG THIS SONG IS BY DOVE CARMON!!!!!! LOOK IT UP AND SHOW SOME LOVE!! THANK YOU!) ''Hey my Raiders, Ski Raider here and today i am singing a new song for a close friend hope you like it.''



                    I heard Ski singing so i called Alyssa in. She said ''Yea she always did that, she goes into this hole new world, we were in cores together.'' And then she said ''But tell you one thing...'' I said ''What?'' She went foul on demon and said ''You Hurt her i will burn you alive, and watch you has you yell in pain.''I put my hands up and said ''I got it.''

                      She said good and walked off.After she was done Tare and her were hanging in the kitchen, being, well them. I came in and said ''So you guys did this before?'' Tare said ''Oh yea when dad was not home, like when he was at the bar, or just being and ass outside.'' I smiled and said to Ski '' SO you were her mom thought it all?'' She nodded.

                      She said ''Well i at least took care of her, and did not leave her alone.'' And Tare said ''I was woundering, when can i mean here, i was 6 when she left?'' Ski said ''Well speaking of you meeting her i am going to see her later today, and say if i wont you to or not.'' Tare nodded and said ''And if she is nice i will live with her?'' SKi said ''Meh i don't really know.'' 

                       Tare said ''Well what if i wont to stay with you, but i wont to see her?'' Ski said ''Will if you really won't to stay with me, maybe go with her on Friday, and come back here on Sunday?'' Tare nodded and said ''I like that, i mean you let me fall in love with the school, so i have to keep going.'' 

                        Ski said ''Oh so it's my fault?'' and laughed and Tare said ''meh maybe.'' And smiled then SKi said ''Well speaking of school, go get  going.'' Tare grabbed her bag and gave Ski a huge, and She then said ''Nate, I only hug family, you are family.'' Ski said ''Oh so that's why you never huged Marcus?'' She said ''Well, there was more to it.'' And left.

                       (1110 words)

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