Chapter 6: How Did This Happen!

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                 I walked out of her house and knew Tare was never going to see her unless she asks me, and i don't need to be there. I went home and Tare came up to me and said ''So what's going on?'' I said ''Well she is an ass, but i guess if you really want to meant her you can, but im not going to stay.''

                She said ''Why?'' I said ''She dose not want me to drive you on the motorcycle, and she dose not want me to dive it ether.'' Nate said ''So she leaves when your 10, and now she is trying to be a mom?'' I said ''Yea, but she can't tell me what to do.'' He nodded, and i said ''But you can go, i'll drive you after school if you want me too.''

                She said '' I'll go if we take the motorcycle, i love that bike, and being on it so.'' I nodded and said ''Oh and one other thing.'' She said what and i said ''We have a step-sister and dad, Josh.'' Tare said ''Oh, okay.''



                    I got up and went  to school and ran into my friend, she can up to me and said ''So going to tell me about you, or no.'' I said ''I will tell you at lunch, but you can't tell anyone.'' She nodded. I told her and she said ''So now you live with Ski, and your meanting you mom for the first time in 4 years.'' 

                     I nodded and she said ''Wow, that's a fucked up story, how is Ski taking it?'' I said ''Well better then me and Nate thought, I hope she dose not lose her bike because of our mom.'' She said ''Yea that would suck, you know.'' I said ''Yea, well CeCe we need to get to class'' She said yea and we were off.

                     I got out of school and saw Ski with her bike, and hoped on. She took me to moms house and i said ''Why won't you come in?'' She said ''Me and Mom had a bad start.'' I said ''Well can you please come in with me?''She said ''Well whatever, but next time you are going in with out me.'' and she laughed.

                    We went up and knocked. I guess our mom answered and said ''Hey Tare, and Ski.'' I said ''Tarence.'' She said ''What, sorry?'' I said ''You call me Tarence.'' She said ''Oh, and Ski where is your car?'' Ski said ''I did not dive my car, i drove my motorcycle, car is getting fixed.'' Mom said ''What did i tell you, no driving Tare on that thing.'' 

                    I said ''Tarence!'' She said ''I am your mother, i will call you what i wont, now why would you drive her on that thing?'' Ski said '' 'Your her mother!?' You left her when she was 6, your not her mom she counted on me to take care of her, her hole life. No mother leaves both kids with a crazy dad. Fuck being a mother, you left us, and i don't count you as a 'mother'!''

                     I said ''Yea Ski is more of a mom, but not one at all, because she at least took care of me, unlike you.'' Mom said '' left or not i am still your mother no matter the cost.'' Ski got real close and said ''You were never a mom, you beat me up well dad watched and then he started to hit me and you could not take care of me and Tare, and you left, so get over yourself.''

                      After that we left, Me and SKi got on the bike and left.Well we where driving i saw a car, but i sore i saw it before. The car turned and i lost site of the car. When we went a turn, all i saw was a blue car coming into the motorcycle pinning Ski's leg in between her bike and the car, braking it. 

                       I was kinda pushed off to a sense, and Ski was laying on the ground, and said breathless ''Call 911, my phones in my back pocket.'' I called 911 and Nate.When he got there Ski was in an ambulance, so Nate ran up to me, and i was crying, he hugged me and said ''What happened?'' 

                     I said ''We were driving, and this car was f-following u-us, and the next thing i know w-we are being h-hit.'' He hugged me and said ''Can i go check on Ski?'' I nodded and he went to look.


                   I went up to where Ski was, and asked the police and they said ''well they told us, sprained leg, 3 broken ribs, and some memory lost by the looks of it.'' I said ''Memory Loss!?''  he said '' Yea, they said what ever happened today she dose not remember, we think they are taking her in to look closer.'' I nodded and went to Tare.

                  I said ''What happened before the crash?'' She said ''We got in a fight with mom, and she said something to her, but i did not hear it.'' I said ''Okay, well if you think you know tell me, but lets go we need to see Ski.'' We waited about 2 or 3 hours, when someone said we could come in and see her.

                        When we got in she said ''Hey guys.'' Tare said ''Do you remember what happened, before the crash?'' She said ''Yea, i do, and i know who the hit-and-run was to.'' Tare said ''Who?'' She said ''It was..........'' and something stated to beep and she started to have what looked to be a  seizure, and blood was coming out of her mouth.

                          The doctors came in and and i held Tarence, well she cried the doctors said after 2 more hours that where harder then the first time, They said ''She is in critical condition.'' Tare said ''So is she going to make it?'' He said ''We will try.'' She said ''Well please try heared then hard, she is my only family.'' He nodded and left.

                          As she started to cry into my shirt, she saw her mom, i think, and she said ''This is your fault.'' She said ''How?'' Tare said ''If you would stop trying to be the mom you will never be, she would have not be mad and wrecked.'' Her mom said ''Well i she was not a bitch, she would have a life, and a BoyFriend.'' 

                              She looked at me and bobbed her head i said ''Actually she does i say raising my hand.'' Her mom said ''Mhm, she'll leave you, and Tare so don't stick around.'' I said ''Well i don't know if talking about her well she is in critical condition is a good idea.'' He mom said ''Hey she was not paying attention'' 

                                  I said ''Wait are you saying this is her fault?'' She said ................

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