*Chapter Two*

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August 30th, 1996 Bray County Wicklow, Ireland

"AHH FINN! STOP! AHAHAHAHA!" I squealed in laughter as Finn tickled me.

"NOPE! Not until you say I'm am the best, love!" He replied with a devilish grin.

"AHH! FINE YOU WIN! YOU'RE THE BEST!" I laughed. Finn removed his hands and let me catch my breath. "Just cause you're a year older than me doesn't mean you get to pick on me all the time." I frowned at him.

"It just means I love ya." He laughed placing a sloppy wet kiss to my cheek.

I laughed and laid back in the grass and stared into the sunset. "Can you believe we've been best friends for just over eleven years?" I asked him.

"I can actually. We're just that amazing!" He laughed laying back with me, pulling me over to lay on his chest. "But... Kelly and I broke up... She cheated on me." He blurted.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed sitting up straight.

Finn always was the calm, level-headed one while I on the other hand had the explosive temper. "Calm down love. I don't really care. I kinda started to lose feelings for her anyways. She was always horrid to you and rude to me about you. That's a line you just don't cross to me." Finn replied pulling me back down to his chest.

I cuddled close to him and smiled in content. Honestly over the past few years I found I had developed some what of a crush on my best friend. Of course, I'd never tell him that but that was my reasoning to stay single. "We should probably head home Finn. I would love to stay out here forever, but our family is probably freaking out." I told him unmoving, listening to his heartbeat.

"Just a little longer love. I'm comfy." He replied.

I could hear the smile in his voice, his accent thicker than ever. I smiled and began to drift off. Laying on the hill cuddled up to Finn.

When I awoke, we were still on the hill and darkness had fallen. I sat up quickly and shook Finn awake. He cursed loudly before helping me up and we hauled ass back home. When we arrived both Uncle Darryl and Mr. Devitt were talking in the front lawn as we walked up.

"CHRISTINA! FERGAL!" Mr. Devitt exclaimed. "Where have you two been?!" He screamed. I winced back as I saw disappointment in both of their eyes. Finn and I dropped our heads as Finn explained we had fallen asleep. "Did you two get involved?!" Mr. Devitt asked.

My jaw dropped at the accusation. "NO! We were just watching the sunset and we fell asleep! We're sorry!" I exclaimed.

Mr. Devitt placed a hand on his chest with a mumbled 'Thank God' before taking Finn by the arm ripping him away from me. I ducked my head in shame before proceeding into my own house. "I swear Uncle we didn't do anything. I'm not ready or old enough for that, we just fell asleep watching the sunset!" I pleaded to him when we entered the house.

"Shhh, Christina love. I believe you. I also, know Fergal is a good boy and wouldn't do anything like that but in the heat of the moment it was something that did cross our minds. Just go get into bed and I will speak with Mr. Devitt later." Uncle said.

I nodded and padded upstairs and crawled into bed. I could hear Finn's older siblings make fun of him as I laid down in bed and I felt bad about what happened. I allowed my thoughts to consume me as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I knew Finn was laying next to me. I could feel his arm across my torso and the heat from his body against my back. I rolled myself over and looked at him. "Mornin' Love!" He exclaimed happily.

"Mmmm go away." I shot back before pulling the covers over my head.

And just as I was regretting not wearing pants to bed Finn threw the covers off me. I reached for them quickly hoping he didn't see anything. "Oh god! I'm sorry! You never sleep in that! But I have exciting news!" He squealed excitedly.

I couldn't help but giggle at that fact that he didn't care I was wearing undies and one of his t-shirts that he gave me. "What's your news?" I asked sitting crossed legged under my covers.

"I finally found someone who is gonna train me to be a wrestler!" He smiled happily.

My jaw dropped and I flew at him giving him a huge hug. Not caring this time that I had no pants on. I was just way to damn proud of him. "That's amazing!" I replied excitedly.

He backed up slightly before placing a hand on my cheek. He smiled at me before leaning down. His lips so close to mine my breath hitched in my throat. It felt like eternity before I gave up and closed the space between us. I pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. His free arm wound itself around my waist as his lips responded to mine. When we finally pulled away, he just stared at me before brushing some of my messy hair behind my ear.

"I've wanted to do that for a while now..." Finn blushed looking away.

"So have I..." I replied.

His head whipped back in my direction. "Really?" He asked eyes wide.

I blushed nodding, turning my head away. Finn took hold of my face and kissed me again. Here we were at the ages of fourteen and fifteen making out in my bedroom. At least I could say I had a true teenage experience since my uncle wasn't home either. "Um... Christina... Will you... Uh... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I'd love to Finn." I replied kissing him one more time before kicking him out to put clothes on.

But as soon as I shut the door I smiled. Ismiled brighter than ever before. I am Fergal Devitt's girlfriend and his bestfriend of eleven years.

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