"Aha, John, what have you done?"

"Leave him alone, you asshole," Sandra snarled, sick of Gabe's act.

"You got somethin' to say, bitch? Johnny here a special friend? All your friends piss themselves, bitch?"

"Gabe, shut up and do what you came to do or bugger off."

"Oh I'll do what I came to do all right, don't you worry." He ordered Curtis to get the tassels from the drapes and tie John up and then he made Sandra tie Curtis up and sit him in Arlene's chair. Arlene moved away, terrified as Gabe then told Sandra to lie face down on the rug while he tied her hands and feet with a lamp cord, tugging it particularly tight and making her cry out.

He went to the bar and poured himself a large drink and then sat in a chair across from where Arlene stood and toasted her. "There we are. Let's chat a bit, get to know one another, then, Arlene, you and I can have some fun."

"The police will be around to take me to see my husband." She tried, the thought of his suggestion turning her stomach.

"That right, Sandra? The cops comin' here to pick her up?"

"How would I know," she groaned, as her wrists began chafing from the cord.

"What about you, John, you think they're coming?"

"I don't- yes, I think they are."

"Nice try, John but no cigar. And since you lied there is a price to pay." Gabe cocked the gun again and casually aimed it his direction.

"No! No, wait!" He faced Arlene. "Tell him! Tell him for God's sake!"

Arlene knew that if she admitted the lie her fate was sealed yet she couldn't bring herself to see John murdered because of her own fear. She held up a hand and whispered. "I lied."

"Ain't that just too touching. Kinda like somethin' from Shakespeare, eh? Love thwarted—like that word? Love thwarted and the heroine willin' to give herself up to save her lover." Gabe finished his drink and set the glass down with a purpose. "So be it."


Ted didn't think he was so lucky after creeping around the huge house trying to find a window that would give him some information without giving him away. Finally he found a tall, narrow window that looked in on the end of a large living room and he could just make out a woman in a robe standing and looking toward a chair. Someone was in the chair but only a leg and one arm was visible.

Beyond that chair, Ted could see the partial body of a woman tied up on the floor. He stepped away and tried checking around the back once more to see if there was a way in that wasn't locked. As he slipped through a small gate off the rear patio and tested one of the sliding doors, he jumped and made a garbled sound as something prodded him in the back.

"Move and you'll be one sorry housebreaker."

Ted held up his hands and turned around. "I'm not a housebre—" He stopped and gaped at the young woman holding the pistol. "Kath!"

She squinted and leaned toward him. "You're the joker from the hotel."

"And you're the phantom waitress."

She tilted her head and pursed her lips. "I like that. The Phantom Waitress."

"Yeah, well could you point that elsewhere please."

"What do you think you're up to here... what's your name?"

"Ted. Ted Wagner and inside we have a killer holding the occupants of this place hostage."

"No shit?" Kath pushed him aside and peered in the window.

"Jesus! Don't let them see you!"

"That's Arlene in the robe. Who are the others, that guy with gun?"

Ted took her place and looked again. The woman in the robe, who he presumed was, Mrs. Maxwell was moving behind different pieces of furniture like some game of tag, screaming and darting about while Gabe patiently counter-moved, gradually forcing her into a corner. When he finally made his move she surprisingly hauled a priceless cranberry glass floor lamp down into his path and made a dash for the upstairs.

He roared in anger as the bits of broken glass stuck on his clothes and under foot. Ted wished he had a cell phone to call the police but then that would deprive him of his own mission and so he kept a close eye on the game in the living room.

He turned when he heard Kath on her own cell phone talking to the 911 operator. "Shit, no!" He darted around to the front of the house and grabbed the front door handle—amazed that it was unlocked—and charged inside.

By the time Gabe got clear of the glass and began his chase, Arlene had reached the second floor and as he reached the stairs he heard the bedroom door slam and lock. At the same time he heard the front door bang open and as he bolted up the stairs he caught a glimpse of the guy from the diner. Son-of-a-bitch! I was right! He stopped and took out his phone and hit the redial, waiting for a response.

"It's Gabe. What did you get, tell me quick I'm in a friggin' hurry? Really? And she confirmed he was in Hammond? Perfect, friggin' perfect. Go for it. I'll be back there by this time tomorrow and we can settle up. Do what you like, I've got my hands full here. You bet. Tomorrow." He closed the phone and climbed the stairs.

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