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     Hey! I hope you guys like this story, it is co-authored so we will both be putting a lot of effort into this story, and we are really excited about it! So enjoy my little muffins!


     I hastily pulled my deep brown, nearly chocolate hair into a high pony tail as my twin sister, Katherine, flew around the corner and down the stairs in a rush to the door. I smoothed out my black long-sleeve riding shirt and begin to head out behind her.

     "LIZZY, C'MON!" She screamed at me. I was late to our horseback riding trail hours down at the barn.

     "Be right there! Go ahead and tack up!" I called back to her before I started to run also.

     I quickly grabbed my helmet off my bed and continued down the stairs to the kitchen, choosing to go straight out into the field instead of grabbing breakfast.

      For some reason I wasn't very hungry this morning, but I just assumed it was because I was up earlier than usual. I ran outside, accidentally slamming the door as I rushed to the barn.

     I stomp through the light snow in my boots, and remind myself to shovel out a path for the horses to get to their meadow. As I get into the barn aisle, I see Katherine and her horse Verne already tacked up and ready to go, matching her polo shirt to the western, turquoise saddle pad.

     I grab my horse's blue halter off the rack and begin to walk into the stall labeled 'Nick' to find him lying down. I try and coax him and he doesn't budge until he hears Verne leaving the barn, as they are brothers after all, he gets up and tries to go with him.

     "C'mon Buddy, we're riding with Vern Bug today." I pat Nick's shoulder and begin to put his halter on, leading him out of his stall and cross tying him to start our daily grooming routine.

     I pick the dirt out of his hooves and brush the dust off his wild bay coat before adding a zebra-printed saddle pad with matching polo wraps to go on his front two legs and my medium brown tack. I step back to revise my work and tighten his girth, pleased with my well-done job.

     I guide Nick out of the barn and right next to Verne, mounting on the horses together, we start off on our trail ride. The wind rushes through my hair as I laugh and talk to my sister about school, boys, and the hot gossip going on around the town. Soon we reached the cliff and stopped for a moment as we take a short break.

     "Hey Kathy did you bring the apples? I am starving." I whine, rubbing my abdomen  as if it was going to ease the horrid feeling in my stomach, she tosses me the apple and I bite out of the sweet red fruit only for it to come right back up.

     "Oh God" I falter, continuing to cough uncontrollably, I unmount my horse and lean over with my hands on my knees.

     “Oh my goodness, Lizzie are you okay?!" My sister screams at me, obviously worried, she hops down off her horse, too.

     "Do I look okay? I am sitting here hacking up my lungs and you are asking me if I am okay!?" I scream, looking at her with a scowl on my face.

     "Should I go get mom?" She questions, apparently unaffected by my harsh choice of words.

      "No, you should just stand there!" I humor myself and she takes off on Verne, leaving me clutching my stomach and my horse's rains.

     A few seconds later I feel something warm drip down to my lip and down to the floor. It tasted of salt and I soon realized what it was.


    I stare down at the repeated drops in horror. I reach over to the basket and struggle to pick a napkin from it to cover my bleeding nose.

     "Liz! Liz, stay with me." Was the last thing I heard before I was lifted by whom I thought was my father and sent into an unfathomable slumber.


     Sorry it's so short guys! It's only the prologue! My co-author and I have worked very hard on the plot and pretty much everything. I hope you enjoy it!!

     Kik: @Kacieeef

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