Synopsis and Sneak Peek

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Synopsis and Sneak Peek


George Bona should have been baptized Ebenezer Scrooge, since he doesn’t believe in celebrating Christmas as a momentous occasion. For someone whose business thrives on making the holidays that much happier for everybody, he sure doesn’t know how to make himself feel just as merry. Probably because he hasn’t found anyone special enough who will teach him how to become truly happy.

Percival Welch on the other hand should have been an angel, since he always believed in celebrating Christmas, saying that it’s a time for sharing love and forgiveness. He finds himself coming home to deal with a very sad truth—a truth that in life, for you to actually move on, you need to let things go.

This is a story about finding one’s way back to a place of hope, love, and family. Understanding that life can sometimes be like Christmas—it can be magical. But the magic only touches you once a year, so you have to make it count. George will learn through Percival what it means to celebrate the holidays, and not call it a…Bah Humbug.


Sneak Peek

He smelled the delicate notes of sandalwood as he neared him. The boy’s scent was much too sophisticated. Like it didn’t belong with the lagers and the bourbons, “You don’t belong here, kiddo,” said the man, sniffing at the prized scent of the very young boy.

The said boy just looked at the man, “What makes you say that?”

“You’re not holding your beer right,” replied the man, still sniffing.

“How am I supposed to hold it then?”

“You either hold the base or the neck.”

“Like this?” said the boy, clasping the neck of the bottle, “Feels odd.”

“You never held a bottle before haven’t ya? I doubt if you even drink,” The man took a swig of ale, then wiped his chin with a big gloved hand.

“I’m old enough to drink, thank you,” the boy said, much to his irritation.

“Why am I finding that hard to believe?”

“Cos I’m not a boy. I just look like one.”

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