Chapter 2

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"Now, Madge, what do you think of the rebels of 13?" Ceaser asks. Madge thinks for a while.

"I think that they are treating the Capitol terrible," she turns to the audience and the camera focuses on her face, "they have treated my family and many more for more years than I can remember. My mother suffered from terrible migraines and the capitol provided morphling for her."

"I see," Ceaser adjusts himself in his seat and clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "what happened to your mother and father during the..." he pauses, thinking of the right words to say, "uh, bombings?"

"I was told that one of the rebels shot them," she smiles sadly at the camera and I get a good look into her eyes before she turns back the way that she can talk straight to Caesar. I see that her eyes aren't the same bright, yet dull with sadness, and are practically grey now. This isn't the Madge that I know.

"Did they know who it was?" he asks her.

"I believe that they said his name was," she thinks a little, "Gale... and his last name begins with a H."

"I see," Ceaser grabs her hand and brings it to his lips. "I'm very sorry for your loss."

And with that, Madge is waving goodbye to the audience and walking off the stage. My eyebrows focus on her wrist. No amount of makeup could hide the scars of the cuts on her wrists.

"They keeping her hostage!" I shout. Everyone in the room, except Haymitch, looks at me like I'm insane. "Rewind it to where she's walking of the stage," I command, pointing to the assistant. She looks at Paylor for confirmation and he gives a single tip of the head, "look at her wrist."

"What about them?" someone asks.

"They tried to cover up the scars, but you can still see the outline," I point out.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Paylor asks, running a hand over his forehead.

"They have her hostage!" I scream. "We have to get her out of there!"

Haymitch sighs, "Well, we can't. Not yet anyway."

"Well, can you hurry up please?" I beg, literally.

"Give me one. Good. Reason."

I sigh, "She's pregnant."

All jaws in the room drop...

A/N: So, plot twist, eh? Yeah, that's my specialty. How did you like it?




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