My Knight

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I heard a familiar laugh and before I could even turn around, I was being slammed into the row of lockers. A stabbing pain spread through my arm and I moaned from the feeling.

“Good Morning, little Aaron. Did you miss me?” The boy holding me against the locker laughed loudly along with his group of friends standing to the side.

I snorted in disgust, “Believe it or not Isaac, I actually did not miss you. Shocker, isn’t it?”

Isaac tightened his hold on me and I held in a groan from the new wave of pain. “Watch it buddy. I can make this new school year a living hell for you. Remember that.” He whispered in my ear.

“Isaac! Let him go.” A new voice demanded.

I turned my head to see who would be playing my knight today and looked into a pair of bright blue eyes. His eyes held mine and I barely noticed that Isaac had listened and let go me.

“Now go to class.” My knight said, breaking off the contact of our eyes. He gave Isaac a look, motioning him to start moving with one hand.

After one more glare at me and a scowl to my knight, he picked up his bag and started to walk back the way that he had come, his friends following close behind. As much as it shocked me that someone was actually helping me, it shocked me more that the guy that had been my tormentor for the last three years had actually listened to this boy.

“Are you new here?” I asked him, already knowing the answer.

“Yep. First day.” He smiled a smile that I had to quickly look away from. That smile had the potential to make me want things that I knew I’d never get.

“That explains it then.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Explains what?” He got a cute look of confusion on his face as he waited for an answer.

“Why you’re even talking to me.” I shrugged my shoulders. It’s not like I’m not already used to it or anything. Another hour and I would be willing to bet that he turns into everybody else in the hell school and ignores me for the rest of the year or worse becomes another Isaac.

“Am I not supposed to talk to you? Do you have some sort of disease that will infect me just by being near you?” He chuckled.

I stayed quiet and just stared at him. I realized that I liked him. Knowing that scares me. I’ve gone so long training myself to turn off any of these emotions. I’ve never liked a guy before that has ever liked me back. I’ve had years to harden my heart against these feelings and now with just a few words from this guy that I’ve never met has me willing to risk it.

I finally gave him a small smile of disappointment and started walking towards my first hour class. Before I completely passed him, I paused, “Yeah, you better not stand too close to me. Just ask, well, anyone and they’ll tell you about the disease that I have. The gay disease.” I finished, sounding more and more depressed with every word.

One last look into those blue eyes, I blew out my breath and told myself to quit being stupid, thinking that this hot guy would be at all interested in me and then left him watching me as I finished my walk to class.

I sighed to myself as I entered the class, ignoring all of the looks from my classmates and sat down in one of the seats in the back of the room. I watched as more students walked in, groaning to myself when I saw Isaac walk through. Great, I get to start off every single morning with him. Perfect.

Behind him came two of his friends and then my knight walked in. I have got to quit calling him that. I probably should have asked him his name earlier…

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