"Well," I started putting Sebastian's clothes--which any other day I would have let him dress himself, but since we were late, I simply took over--I kept talking to James who was now sitting on the bed next to the kid. "You need to be stronger than this babe, you can't let him manipulate you every single time, it's actually becoming pretty sad if you ask me and I feel a little bad for you, I really do. He's four years old for Christ's sake." I joked which James quickly caught on to and started laughing.

"Look who's talking, Mrs. I guess an extra scoop of ice cream isn't going to kill anyone." He countered back while getting off the bed and walking back to the closet to retrieve Sebastian's shoes.

"Hey, also in my defense-- since that's what we use now--he did eat his vegetables that night so that was for celebration and I'm not nearly as bad as you, so let's not even go there." I said then placed a chaste kiss on Sebastian's forehead while he put his shoes on.

"I'm ready!" Sebastian exclaimed happily.

"Alright, let's go then." I said when James, who was wearing a dark gray sweatpants that fit his body particularly well and a white T-shirt, stepped out of the closet with a pair of gray kids Nike sneakers in hand because I had forgetten to pack extra shoes. He nodded and walked out, followed by Sebastian who said as we were walking down the stairs;

"Jaaaames," That caught James' attention quickly, because Sebastian only called James by his name when he wanted something. James looked back at the kid with an eyebrow raised. I chuckled.

"Yeeeeesss, Sebastian?"

"Can I be on your neck?"

"I don't know. Do you deserve to be on my neck? because you know that's a privilege."

"What's a privilege?" The kid asked.

"Well a privilege is when someone particular has advantages that others don't."

"What's advantages?"

"It's kind of like special opportunities." James explained as we walked into the elevator.

"Aaaah," Sebastian said thoughtfully then he looked up at me. "I don't understand." I started laughing.

"How about instead of explaining all of that, I just put you on my neck? That works?" James asked and that made Sebastian really happy.

"Is everyone already at the airport?" I asked when I knew their little conversation was just about done.

"Yeah, I just got a text from William asking where we are, he said they just got there and that everyone was ready and waiting for us and Dimitri is actually waiting downstairs in the vehicle." He answered right as the elevator opened and we got out before he picked up Sebastian and put him on his neck.

"Oh, how long has Dimitri been waiting downstairs?" I asked when I saw the vehicle parked in front of our building.

"Twenty minutes or so, give and take." I looked back at him for second and frowned before turning back to watch where I was going.

"You knew he was waiting out there and you were here taking your time. Couldn't you at least ask the man to come up and wait here?"

"He said he was making a few phone calls so I told him he could come up anytime he wanted." He answered and then added, "although, with how much I pay him, I think it is safe to say he can wait twenty minutes for me." He then started laughing loudly at his own joke which, let's be honest, wasn't even that funny. I shook my head and walked out of the lobby ahead of him

"Hi, Dimitri. Thank you so much for waiting for us, I know we took longer than expected." I said as I stepped into the vehicle who's door was already opened thanks to Dimitri who was leaning on it and waiting, when I walked out.

"Dimitri, I privilege." Sebastian said, seemingly happy about it.

"Oh, I can see that," he replied and to me he said, "You're welcome, Charlotte." Then shut the door softly after me while James got in the front passenger seat and waited for Dimitri to enter the vehicle before addressing him.

"So here's the thing," James started as we pulled into traffic which surprisingly enough, wasn't much which meant that it wouldn't take too long to get to the airport. "We are late but the beauty of taking a private plane is that it waits for you before departing, so I say we stop at that food truck on 48 wall st for some burgers and fries before heading to the airport."

I started laughing. "Good try. But that's not going to happen. Our friends are waiting for us. Should I remind that Eva is pregnant? Shame on you for trying to make the pregnant lady wait." I said and we all started laughing even Sebastian got in on it though I was certain he didn't even know why we were actually laughing.

"Well, I had to try. But we are making a stop there for those burgers and fries when we come back."

I thought about it for a second while he stared at me. I smiled then and nodded my head. "Yeah, babe, we can definitely do that." I replied as his phone started ringing. The rest of the drive to the airport was somewhat silent with James making phone calls and me taking a little power nap, lull to sleep by Nora Jones' beautiful soulful voice.


I hadn't expected to fall asleep, which was why as I was shook awake, I all but jumped with a start until I realized, the person touching me was James. "Hey there sleepy beauty, we are here."

I looked around for a second and noticed the empty seat where Sebastian was supposed to be. I looked back at James and frowned. "Where is he?"

"Dimitri is taking him to the plane already. He's fallen asleep too so I wanted to keep it that way." He explained. "Come on, they are all waiting inside."

I nodded and got out of the vehicle. The second we stepped into the plane, it exploded with laughter.

"Well finally they decided to show their faces." William, who was sitting next to Rose with their son on his lap, yelled out which was followed by a collective yay from our friends. I started laughing.

"If there's someone to blame, blame James here, definitely not me." I said and took the empty sit next to Eva when I noticed the sad smile on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her and to which she simply smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I just need to use the restrooms, I'll be right back." She said and got up. I followed her with my eyes, wondering what had happened between this morning when we talked on the phone and she seemed happy and excited for her daughter's birthday, and now. But deciding that the best thing would be to wait until she was ready to talk about it, I turned my focus to Rose who, funny enouh, was devouring the burger from the place James wanted to stop at. I started laughing.


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