"Alright sir, your total will be $16.32." The voice says. 

"That's wassup." Henry says and I roll my eyes then giggle.

"Don't laugh at me." He says as he pulls up to the window and starts to fumble around looking for money. He pulls a twenty out of his back pocket and smiles then smoothly hands it to the stupid brunette smiling devilishly at him.

"Thanks handsome." She says and I roll my eyes. 

"Here's your change baby boy." She says and hands him the change and receipt. I clench my jaw.

"Hey um, please don't call me that. It makes me feel uncomfortable." I hear Henry say even though I know damn well he's saying it for my sake. 

"You got it Daddy." The girl winks and then disappears. I'm triggered.

"Henry switch fucking seats with me right god damn now." I seethe out. Henry immediately gets out while I climb over into his seat. He grabs my hand and draws circles on it after he's sitting down in the passenger seat. Soon that thirsty ass bitch comes back.

"Oh eww, it's you." I hear and that's when I see it. One of my sister's fucking dumb ass friends. 

"Give us our fucking food bitch." I say and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Fucking have it." She says but still gently gives me everything. She better dare not try anything while she working, I'll have her ass fired quick fast.

"Thanks, ya tracks showing too." I call out and then I drive off. The car immediately fills with Henry's laughter.

"Char, her face, she looked like she was about to fucking cry a river." Henry laughs out and I smirk. 

"That was one of my sister's friends. Do you think they're still here?" I ask Henry seriously.

"They could be, I mean they haven't bothered you for a while so maybe they left but you never know." Henry answers truthfully.

"Thanks Hen." I say and we drive in silence the rest of the way. Once again, we eat in the car and once we're done, Henry grabs the leashes from the trunk and we hook the pups up to take them for a walk. They're getting so big so fast.


3 Hours Later

"Thank you all for coming, I've got real big news. Immediately after this school year ends we're all heading to a cabin for 3 days. I've booked everything and I have all the room arrangements, I even invited Liv." Ron says to us all.

"Okay why are we going there?" Jasper asks. 

"Because we're getting married!" Dory exclaims while showing off her ring.

"OH MY GOSH! A WEDDING! YES YES YES YES!" Piper exclaims and jumps in excitement with Dory.

"Wow man, congrats!" Dad says pulling away from shock and hugs Ron. Everyone starts to talk about the wedding and be all excited while Henry and I are quiet.

"Uh Charlotte, Henry you two okay?" Piper asks causing everyone to look quizzically at us. We just nod our heads.

"Uh yeah congrats guys but um we'd already made plans for then." I say. 

"Oh but you can like cancel right? I mean, can it wait maybe 2 days?" Ron asks with a big smile on his face. I just silently nod and force a smile. Henry just completely gets up and walks out.

"What's wrong? Should I talk to him?" Piper asks instantly becoming a worried sister.

"No, just give him some time. This was kind of important to him. I'll talk to him." I say standing up.

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