Part 2

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I had to find another way out, in a house this big the front door couldn't be the only way to escape. 2 years ago city hall had paid a small construction crew to nail boards over all the windows in an attempt to keep people out of the house, so there was no way I was climbing out through the windows. 

        With my face still wet with tears and my throat raw from screaming for help I begun to slowly walk toward the kitchen. There must be a back door to this place and the kitchen is in the back of the house. Walking to the kitchen I had to pass the closet with the dead man in it. I averted my eyes as I passed so I wouldn't have to see him again. 

        I successfully made it into the kitchen without viewing the man in the closet and immediately saw the back door. I had never felt so relieved in my life as I began running towards the door, grabbing the door knob I turned it left and right but it wouldn't budge. 

        "You will stay with me, there is no escape from this place."

        I shot around to look behind me as I began to cry again, I swear I had just heard someone whisper in my ears. Looking around the kitchen It was easy to tell no one was in this murder house, but of course there wouldn't be I'm the only one who would be stupid enough to stay the night in this place, right?

        I decided to search the drawers, there had to be something in here that could help me, I hope so anyways it seems like the rest of the house had been cleared out. In the first drawer there was nothing but dust and the same in the next and the next. All I could seem to find was dust and more dust, I did find a single match in the 4th drawer, I slid it in my pocket but with nothing to strike it against it wouldn't be much use to me and even if I could use it what would i do with it anyways light the house on fire to get out taking myself with it? That was definitely out of the question.

        In the final drawer I found a flash light, I had just hit the jackpot. But there was something else in there, I couldn't tell exactly what it was so I pulled it out to get a better look. Holding it in front of my face I turned on the flashlight and shined the light towards the object. I immediately  knew what it was and screamed as I threw it at the wall. 

        I ran out of the kitchen. Why would there be a bone laying inside of a kitchen drawer? Whats wrong with this place I asked myself as I passed the closet and turned my head to look inside. In the moment of the bone I had momentarily forgotten about the body in the closet, but that couldn't be right because as I looked into the closet there was nothing there, no body, no blood, nothing and as I turned around and looked into the entry way there was no trail of blood and the writing on the wall had disappeared.  

        I must have imagined the blood and the body. My nerves and fear must have gotten to me, thinking of all the rumors of this house and how it was supposedly haunted must had made me imagine everything, the bone in the kitchen must of been a Halloween decoration and my friends must have locked the doors as a prank to keep me from leaving in the night. If all this was fake then I could make it through the night in here and I would show my friends. They will be so surprised when I make it.

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