Chapter 8: Too Funny..

Start from the beginning

I blinked and struggled and wiggled, trying despreatly to get out of his grasp. "What're you doing?!?" He pulled my kimono sleeve down, enough so he could look at my shoulder blade. "This mark..." "Yeah, what about it?" He traced the mark with his fingertips, and I winced and put my hand out on the grass and gripped it. "Ow?" "That kinda hurts?!" I heared him chuckle evily. "Oh, I'm sorry, then, I'll make It better." I blinked and shut my eyes, shiving as he leaned forewards and licked my shoulder blade, up to my neck. I growled, yet blushed at the same time. "Grr...." I ripped the grass off, and Itachi turned me back over, now on my back.

He smirked at me. "Did that make it any better, Sweetie?" I took note of the nickname and mentally slapped myself. 'How could I let this happen?!? He's a killer!!' I screamed at myself in my head. "Only 71 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds to go." he whispered in my ear. 'Only one second has passed?!' A random idea popped in my head..'If he would just look into my eyes'. I put my hand on his cheek, and leaned in a little bit. "Mm.. It hurt alittle, but it was worth it..." I whispered to him, while looking into his eyes and fluttering my eyelashes. He smirked and went closer to my face, enough so our noses were touching. "Hm.. I knew you couldn't resist me for long.." he said lowly. I grinned and blushed alittle, looking into his eyes innocently, while parting my lips slightly, and lightly breathing on his face. I wrapped my hands around his neck, as he wrapped his hands around my waist. "Ita..chi.." I said trying to be seductive. He looked into my eyes and kissed me, but missed since I moved.

"Mind Control.." I muttered, and I saw Itachi's red eyes, have an outer tint glow of my white eyes. I snickered and he looked MAD. Seriously, he looked like he was gonna kill me. "Get off of me, and help me up." He did as I said, grabbed my hand gently and helped me up. I dusted myself off. "Why, thank you Itachi. You really are a gentleman." "When I get my hands on you...." he glared holes into me and frowned deeply. I snickered. "Shut up, and walk around like a monkey making chicken noises." He looked at me questionably, went to say something smart, but ended up walking around scratching his butt and head going, "BAWK BAAAWWKKK!!" "B-BAAWWKKK!!" The chicken noises continued as I rolled on the ground, laughing my butt off, in tears. I pounded and kicked at the grass as I did so. "T-The almighty Itachi, walking l-like a monkey, and m-making chicken noises!!!"

I looked at him inbetween my laugher attacks, and he was seriously, not taking this well, at all. He was probably planning my demise right now. I smirked and started making chicken noises too. "BAWWWK!! B-B-BAWWWWKKKK!!" he clucked louder and I died right there. "O-Okay, s-stop!!!" I said inbetween large breathes. He stood wee he stopped at. "I'm seriously going to kill you." He said seriously. "Nooo your not, because I'm going to finally let you be what you really want to be. Jump around and fly like a unicorn and when you fly, make a rainbow come out your butt.~" I cooed and started dying just at the thought of it. He started jumping and flying, and the funniest part? There ACTUALLY WAS A RAINBOW COMING FROM HIS BUTT!! I threw myself on the floor and started crying and pounding and kicking at the ground. "Yup. You're dead." he said. I was too busy laughing to answer him, and rolled on my back and started at him.

"Now stop and make a funny face!!" he just flopped on the ground and crossed his eyes, and I bursted out laughing, and stood up, only to lean down and slap my knees. "Ohhmaaiigawd this is funny..." I walked up to him, still giggling and smirked. "Stand up." he did as I told him. I went around him. "What're you doing?" he said, a little worried. "Itachi, did I ever tell you how pretty your hair is?" I snickered at him, pulled his hair from under his cloak and combed it with my hands. "Seriously, you do. I'm jealous." He growled and scolded me. "Shut up.." "Mabye I should call you Girl-Tachi instead... What do you say?" I sneered. "I say shut the hell up and stop touching my hair." I snickered.

"Your mind says no, but your hair says yes." I started laughing again. I heard him chuckle. "That is so cheesy." I nodded and stood infront of him. "I knooow~" I cooed and looked at him, well, stared is a better word. I coughed blood, and I sighed, staring at him blankly. "Blood?" he said a little curious. "It happens, don't worry about it." He just stared at me then. "I order you to get us out of here." I heard him growl a little. "I would never---" he started. "You have to get your heart rate up. Feeling any type of pain, or whatnot." I nodded and thought for awhile. He finally spoke. "I know what I could do to make your heart go up.." he snickered. I glared at him. "NO. PERVERT ITACHI. BAD."

He pretended to whine. "But Kurooo.." I tilted my head. "Put your hands on my mark, and press really, really hard down on it., when I say to!" I added quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held his cloak. "Kuro..?" I shut my eyes and took a few deep breathes. "Kuro..?!" Itachi said, a little worry in his voice. "Do it." as soon as I said it, his hands slammed on my mark, and I screamed bloody murder, tears rolling down my cheeks, then I let go of him and the Mind Control broke, I blinked and fluttered my eyes open.

(Real-World Kuro's POV):

I fluttered my eyes open and the first thing I felt was pain. I squealed loudly and I heard a familiar voice. "Sasori! You friggin' IDIOT!!! I'm NOT ARGUING WITH YOU, AGAIN! HMM!" Deidara said. I blinked and found myself staring at the ground, guessing I was over Deidara's shoulder, I cleared my throat and screamed to the top of my lungs before Sasori could say anything. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!" They all stopped, Deidara twitched as I jumped off him and folded my arms, they all stared at me, Deidara plugging his ear. "There went my eardrum.. Hmm" I twitched. "I DO NOT want to hear, another word from either of you to, talking to eachother.

"Or else what?" Sasori sneered. I smirked and glanced at Itachi. "Itachi knows." He just sneered at me and started walking again. I walked towards him, holding my fist up. "Hey!! You friggin' jerk!!" I felt my feet leave the ground and being lifted up yet again. "Shut up, brat." Sasori sneered at me. I looked up at Deidara, once again holding me in his arms. I snickered. "You really must like this position." He grinned back. "I like you in that. Hmm.." He winked and I made a barfing noise. "That's not the noise you made earlier!!!" He yelled/sang. I leaned up and smirked at him. He looked down at me. "I knew you couldn't resist my sexyness." I fluttered my eyelashes and smacked him in the head. "NEVER." "Besides," I cooed. "'re a girl!~" He frowned, obviously not happy. "I thought I had you under my Dei-Spell...Hm." I snickered. "Like I said, NEVER." He sneered at me. "I'm not a girl." "Yeah right!! Prove it!!" I said confidently.


I hope you guys like my story so far!! :D Rate, comment, and become a fan if you like it!! Thank you!!


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