Chapter 2

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Gaia wandered through the doors of her school; Westbrook Secondary School. It was grades 9 through 12. Which meant she went to school with three of her four sisters; Victoria, Annie and Serena.

Annie had gotten a ride to school, with her new 'friend'. Victoria had driven Serena, Gaia and their little sister Ruby, who went to Westbrook Elementary School.

Westbrook Elementary School was kindergarten through grade 7. And Ruby was in the 5th grade.

They had dropped off Ruby in front of her school, and then continued on to their Secondary School. Serena had practically jumped out of the car and ran to her large group of friends. Which left Gaia and Victoria to walk together through the doors of the school.

As they were walking through the elegant wooden double doors, Gaia glanced sideways at her sister. Victoria had straight brown hair with auburn hues to her shoulders and dark eyes with short, curled eyelashes. None of the sisters resembled each other in the slightest, since they were adopted.

Gaia noticed something was wrong when a group of people in the front of the school, standing infront of the office looked like they were at a funeral.

Victoria seemed to notice Gaia's pointed glance, because she whispered in her ear; "Use an eavesdropping spell!"

Gaia almost slapped herself! She completely hadn't thought of using magic. She focused for a split second on what she hoped to achieve and the next thing she knew she could hear everything going on in the school. She winced, and carefully zoned in on the group infront of the office.

She heard mutters of death and sorrow, and one rebounding name; Leila Larue. From what she heard she gathered that apparently a senior named Leila Larue had been murdered two nights prior. She knew who Leila was, she'd been captain of the Track and Field team at Westbrook, or better known as WSS.

Gaia quickly glanced at Victoria, but the look in Victoria's eyes informed Gaia that she hadn't been the only one using an eavesdropping spell.

"That's bad. I overheard mom talking to Uncle Thomas last night, and apparently Leila was killed with a stake to the heart," Victoria whispered suggestively, her dark eyes almost without any light in them.

"She was a Vamp?" Gaia whispered incredulously. She'd never suspected Leila of being a member of the Occult World, but then again that would explain her extraordinary speed.

It made sense that another member had gone to the school, Vancouver was renowned for being particularly full of Occult Members. It was to the Occult World as New York is to The US. Not to say that Occult Member's aren't world wide, because they are, but there are more in Vancouver than anywhere else. And Gaia suspected that WSS had a large number of Occult Members because it was in the same general area of Vancouver as The Royal Astraea. The Royal Astraea was where the Queen of the Occult World and her court gathered everyday. It was in the penthouse of one of the tallest buildings; The Astraea Apartments.

Gaia, not for the first time, wondered how many of her classmates, friend even, were hiding secrets like hers.

With a curt nod, Victoria walked away from Gaia, leaving Gaia mostly aimlessly wandering around the hall towards her locker, which she shared with her friend Willow Tremaine.

Gaia wasn't overly paying attention to her surroundings as she passed student after student, occasionally giving a small sorry if she almost bumped into someone.

She turned the corner to the last hallway when she ran fully into a body. The person gave a small gasp and stumbled backwards. Gaia started to apologize profusely. The girl looked up at Gaia hesitantly. She had wavy pale blonde hair to her shoulders, almond shaped grey eyes that looked scared as they laid eyes on Gaia. The girl looked young, especially since she had plenty of freckles spanning across her upper cheeks and nose. The girl's face somewhat resided in Gaia's mind, but she couldn't put a face to it.

"I'm so sorry-" Gaia started, trailing off since she didn't know the girl's name.
"That's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going, and it's Esi, Thorn, well Esi Thorn, sorry," Esi squeaked, mumbling the last few words as if she had trouble talking infront of people she just met. Gaia nodded, she understood.

"I'm Gaia Silverwood," Gaia started to tell the shy girl when another girl appeared right behind Esi.
The new girl shared Esi's face. This girl had pale blonde hair to her chin, almond shaped green eyes, and the same freckles. Although the look in the new girl's eyes was completely different from Esi's, the new girl's eyes were like green barbed wires, ready to stab anyone that came close.
"She knows that," the new girl informed, not kindly but not exactly kindly either.

Suddenly it clicked in Gaia's mind, the new girl's name was Ophelia Thorn. She was a girl in Gaia's PE class. Ophelia had a reputation for being too rough and having violent outbursts. The outbursts might have been rumours, but the threatening part wasn't. Gaia knew, she'd seen Ophelia's eyes when someone insulted her.

They must have been twins, Gaia thought.

How strange, that they were both so completely opposite. Not that twins are usually the same, but they usually have similar ways of acting, since they usually grow up together in the same atmosphere and household.

After a moment of Ophelia glaring at Gaia, she roughly moved Esi away with her. Gaia suddenly remember her friend Willow having talked about Ophelia briefly once during a gossip discussion, and shed briefly mentioned that she had a twin named Estrella. Which made sense, Gaia thought.

Ophelia wrapped a long pale hand around Esi's wrist and led her off. Esi gave Gaia an apologetic look as she left. The two rounded the corner and disappeared from Gaia's vision.

"That was a little weird," Gaia muttered to herself as she continued to walk to her locker.

Gaia approached her locker in a matter of minutes, to see a girl already standing there. Gaia could only see the girl from the back, but the girl had straight black hair that was to her shoulders and was tousled.

Gaia picked up her pace and tapped the girl on the shoulder. Willow Tremaine turned around and smiled widely at Gaia.

Hope you all liked it! Voting and Feedback is very welcome! As is constructive criticism! Thanks

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