14. SEC

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Tom Zhang was sitting on his desk at SEC (US Securities & Exchange Commission) headquarters in NYC, staring at a yellow anonymous package sitting on his desk, with some documents spread all over. He was deep in his thoughts about the next steps to be taken.

Tom was of asian-american origin, in his late thirties and have been associated with SEC from over ten years now. He has faced many-a-cases in his tenure, most of them based on his hunch or from the proofs gathered by his team, but this is the first case, when an anonymous tip was sitting on his desk, but he was un-sure about pursuing it.

There was a newspaper cutting in the envelope stating Texas Automobiles Management Buyout with the help of KKR, there were some other documents hinting towards the insider trading done by AFS, Williams company.

One of the document had details about the bulk purchase of TA stocks by AFS & some offshore entities, just few days prior to the buyout.

Another document had the proof of payments to AFS by KKR at a huge premium to the stock price, hinting towards KKR's desperate effort to acquire the stake from AFS.

All of the documents were hinting towards a planned insider trading whereby AFS knew about the KKR's buyout of TA and they planned their strategy accordingly to make a quick buck. Also, the documents were linking AFS to offshore entities. Both of these being grave crimes, which can not only bar AFS from trading in securities but can even put the management behind bars.

"Hey Buddy, Tom here" said Tom, picking up his desk phone.

"Hey, how can i help you?" came a thick southern voice.

"I am sending you a package, study it and gather as much details possible" replied Tom

"Okay!" came the voice and phone got dis-connected.

The documents were not enough to start the proceedings, but were more than enough to start an investigation. Tom was preparing to send the documents to the agency they have hired for such dirty work. He was talking to Vincent, the owner of the agency and his old confidant.

"Maya, can you please come in here?" said Tom to his assistant.

"Yes Tom" replied Maya after reaching his desk

"Can you please send this package to Vincent" said Tom

"Sure thing" said Maya and left with the package.

A couple of weeks and he will know the in & out of AFS and this deal.

The Wall Streetحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن