Just Walking

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The sick had been choking on their own blood, and I guessed that's what killed them. They were coughing to much that they were literally coughing up lungs. There were so many people were in cell block A. It was just me, Dr. S, and Hershal tending the sick. Hershal brought tea in with him. I handed a cup of the tea to a friendly woman named Tracy. Tracy had dirty-blonde hair that looked as it someone cut it with a weed-wacker.

"You can thank Hershal for the tea," I said to her.

"Could... You please do that for me?" Tracy asked me.

"Of course."

As I stood up, Tracy coughed so hard that blood came out.

"Keep drinking the tea. It'll help," I informed her.

Hershal stood just outside the cell.

"How is she?" He asked.

"The tea is helping, but if we don't get those meds soon, she'll die," I replied.

"You better wash yourself and meet with Carol at the fence. She needs help with the walkers," Hershal said.

"Alright," I nodded.

I quickly ran to the showers and washed myself off. I met Carol at the fences with my knife in hand.

"If we don't take them out, the whole fence will come down," Carol shouted over the moans of the walkers.

With my knife in hand, I began to take out the walkers. It was a slow process.

"So how is Sophia?" I ask her.

"Oh... She..."

"Yes?" I said.

"Sophia is sick," Carol's eyes became watery.

It was then that I looked back at the prison and saw Jordan and Sophia together. Jordan was coughing with her. After about a half-hour, the sun began to set. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot.

"Go! I got this!" Carol yelled.

I ran into cell block A. Everybody was out of their cells. The door was locked so I could not get inside.

"Somebody! Open the door!" I pounded against the door.

I saw Tracy emerge out of her cell as a walker. She bit a man with a gun in his hand and he shot a woman in the face. I took out my gun and shot the window, then I cleared out the glass and jumped through. I saw Sophia clutching her doll tightly in a corner as a walker went at her, but Jordan came out of her cell with a shovel and smashed the walker's head.

"Logan, help!" Hershal shouted at me.

A walker had his leg in hand. I aimed as carefully as I could and shot. The bullet managed to hit a man's foot. He screamed in pain. I took out my knife and drove it through the skull of the walker that had Hershal.

"Look out!" Sophia screamed.

A walker's head appeared above my shoulder. Luckily, Jordan could get to it in time and shoot it. When I saw the man who I had shot bleeding out, I knew there was only one thing left to do. My knife came down on his skull. When I saw Sophia in the corner, coughing harder than ever, I knew it was happening.

"Sophia!" I cried.

She collapsed onto the ground and continued to cough. Nobody rushed to her side to help her, they only stood and watched. Suddenly I began to feel dizzy... I fell over onto the ground and everything went cold and dark...


My eyes opened. Everything was too blurry to recognise where I was. A dark figure that I knew to be Hershal stood at my side.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I-I'm alright..." I managed to say.

"Do you feel sick?" Hershal said.

"No," I replied.

"You better keep resting. I'll get back to you later," Hershal stated.


I lifted myself up off the bed and looked for Hershal. The bodies were gone and everybody was in their cells.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"We lost many, but Daryl and the others brought the meds just in time so we can save them from dying," Hershal replied.

"Did they get to Sophia in time?" I asked, remembering what happened.

Hershal shook his head slowly, indicating that she was gone.

"Anything else?"

"No. But you better have a shower and get some food into you," Hershal said.

I nodded and did as he said. As I swallowed my chewed up carrot, Leo came towards me.

"Hey, Logan! I was wondering if you want to go for a walk with Missy and I," Leo said.

"Sure." I replied.

Leo and I met Missy at the gates and quickly left the prison without drawing attention. Leo sliced a walker in half and we continued into the forest. Missy tripped over something and pushed herself back up.

"Oh god," She muttered.

She was looking at the thing she had tripped over... A body. I took a look around and knew that this used to be a camp. There were somewhat fresh bodies and no supplies left...

"They were murdered?" Leo supplied.

I observed the bodies and saw bullet holes in them.

"Yes," I stated.

"Who would do this?" Missy demanded.

"I don't know... But I have an idea," Leo said.

"It's a shame we didn't get here sooner. We might've been able to help," The Governor said, coming out from behind a tree.

"You," I hissed.

"Now, now... I know we had our differences in the past, but I'm a changed man," The Governor said.

"What makes you think we should trust you?" Missy asked with anger in her voice.

"Well, I guess there is no convincing you then. But I'd like to offer you a place in my new group," The Governor stated.

"No thanks. We already have a group that's doing fine," Leo said.

The Governor did not take it well. He punched her in the face and she fell to the ground.

"Missy!" Leo yelled.

The Governor grabbed Leo and threw him into a tree. I took out my gun but The Governor took out his too. Before I had the chance to pull the trigger, he shot the gun out of my hand.

"Now, you three are coming with me," He said.

So, The Governor put a bag over my head and dragged me away.

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