Chap 1.5

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"Chancellor and the Select Council, I, Dev Narro, seek recognition for clarification on the two presentations." The man stated plainly to the attentive ears of all those in the auditorium.

Jan knew that the entire government was in a precarious position. With the Upmanc over their heads, he knew he could deny the request, but the results of that were far too abstract to calculate. He chose the only other option at hand and pressed the Data Port selection on the podium that granted the control of the chamber to Dev Narro, and then took his seat to find out the outcome of the decisions he had made.

Dev Narro began his address to the Government Seat. "Over twenty Nearousian cycles ago, the Arcology and Agriculture delegations requested that more platforms and arcologies be built in anticipation of the situation the Federation now finds itself in. This proposal was ignored by both the former Chancellors and those holding seats on the Select Council. The First Chair of the Select Council, Jan Doris, has presented this body with a concise report on the revenues generated by the Federation in light of our current predicament, but what we would all like to know is why the proposal to build dozens of new Orbital Platforms and Arcologies went unheeded by this government?"

Jan once again rose from his chair to move to the podium. He knew his answer to Dev's question would be the deciding moment for Orthor's government. He noted that Dev had not intentionally returned control of the Government back to the podium, and that everyone in the auditorium most likely was aware of this fact.

"The Federation's agriculture systems are well established. The thirteen planets that make up the agriculture foundation of our trade with the Upmanc Conglomerate, under normal conditions, are operating at full capacity to meet the demands of our population and our export needs. None of our best scientists know when the stellar anomalies effecting stars Nearous, Clemged, and Gianwhal will come to an end."   

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